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Break Free

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Emma Törnros Almlund - November 2014
Break Free (feat. Zedd) - Ariana Grande
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#16 counts intro, starts on the words “If you wanna”

Section 1: Walk x 2, rock fwd, coaster step, step turn 1/2
1-2Walk forward left right
3-4Rock left forward recover back on right
5&6Left coaster step
7-8Step right forward and make a pivot 1/2 turn to the left (6:00)

Section 2: Dorothy x 2, Monterey 1/2, point left, touch
1-2&Right step forward, lock left behind, step right forward (slightly diagonally)
3-4&Left step forward, lock right behind, step left forward (slightly diagonally)
5-6Point right out to the side and turn 1/2 over your right shoulder (12:00)
7-8Point left out to the side, and then touch left beside right

Section 3: Cross side, sailor step, behind, side, cross rock
1-2Cross left over right, step right to the side
3&4Left behind, right to the side, left to the side
5-6Right behind, left to the side
7-8Cross rock right, recover back on left

Section 4: 1/4 turn, 1/2 turn, coaster step, cross samba x 2
1-21/4 turn right, 1/2 turn right (turn over your right shoulder) (3.00, then 9.00)
3&4Right back, left together, right forward
5&6Left cross, right to the side, left to the side (moving forward)
7&8Right cross, left to the side, right to the side (moving forward)

Section 5: Cross, 1/4 turn, sailor heel, ball cross, hold, ball cross side
1-2Cross left over right and step back on the right with a 1/4 turn (6:00)
3&4Left behind, right to the side, left heel forward
&5-6Step back on the ball of left, cross right over, hold
&7-8Step to the side on the ball of left, cross right over, step left to the side

Section 6: Touch right, knee pop right 1/4 turn, kick ball step, rock tripple 3/4 turn
1-2Touch right beside left and pop the right knee to the right making a 1/4 turn to the right(3.00)
3&4Kick right, step on right ball, step on left
5-6Rock right forward, recover back on left
7&8Step right, left, right in a tripple 3/4 (turn to the right over your right shoulder) (6.00)

Section 7: Cross side, sailor step, cross unwind 1/2, coaster step
1-2Cross left over right, step right to the side
3&4Left behind, right to the side, left to the side
5-6Cross right over left making a 1/2 unwind turn (weight ends on right) (12.00)
7&8Step left back, right together, left forward

Section 8: Right cross samba, point x 2, left sailor, right sailor 1/2
1&2Right cross, left to the side, right to the side (slightly moving fwd)
3-4Point left in front of right, point left out to the left side
5&6Left behind, right to the side, left to the side
7&8Right behind, left 1/2 turn, right to the side (turn over your right shoulder) (6.00) *


Tag 1: 16 counts end wall 2 (12:00): rock step, full turn, coaster step, cross samba
1-2Rock left forward, recover back on right
3-4Left 1/2 turn back, right 1/2 turn back (travelling backwards)
5&6Left back, right together, left forward
7&8Right cross, left to the side, right to the side (travelling forward)

Jazzbox, rocking chair
1-2-3-4Left cross over, step right back, step left to the side, step right forward
5-6-7-8Left rock forward, recover back on right, left rock back, recover forward on right

Tag 2: 8 Counts end wall 5 (6:00): Jazzbox, rocking chair
1-2-3-4Left cross over, step right back, step left to the side, step right forward
5-6-7-8Left rock forward, recover back on right, left rock back, recover forward on right

* Tag point

Enjoy my first dance! :)


AnnaC November 9, 2014
Well done Emma!
hope You do more great dances

NateDog November 10, 2014
Well done Emma one of my favourites.

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