CopperKnob Stepsheets

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B to the A.N.G.

( 6 Votes)
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Upper Intermediate
Michael Metzger (USA) - October 2014
Bang Bang - Jessie J, Ariana Grande & Nicki Minaj
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Starts on Vocals (2 counts)

Rock Step, Step Back, Rock Step, ¼ Turn Right, Heel Switches
1, 2Rock forward on R, Recover back on L
3Step R back
4, 5Rock back on L, Recover forward on R
6¼ turn to right (3:00) and step L to side
7&8&Touch R heel forward, Step R together, Touch L heel forward, Step L together

Rock Step, 1 ½ Traveling Turn Back (Right), Step, Heel Switches
1, 2Rock forward on R, Recover back on L
3, 4½ turn to right (9:00) and step R forward, ½ turn to right (3:00) and step L back
5, 6½ turn to right (9:00) and step R forward, Step L next to R
7&8&Touch R heel forward, Step R together, Touch L heel forward, Step L together

Kick, Hitch, ¼ Turn Right, Hold, Cross Behind, ¼ Turn Right, Pivot Turn Right
1, 2Kick R forward, Swing R back and hitch
3, 4¼ turn right (use weight of swinging leg to turn) and step R to side (12:00), Hold
5, 6Cross L behind, ¼ turn right and step R forward (3:00)
7, 8Step L forward, Pivot ½ right (9:00) and shift weight to R

¼ Turn Right and Point, Hold, Kick and Touch on Diagonal, Side Toe Strut, Side Toe Strut
1, 2¼ turn to right (12:00) and point L to side, Hold
3&4Kick L across R, Step L together, Cross touch R behind L
5, 6Touch R toe to side, Step down on R
7, 8Cross touch L over R, Step down on L

Side Step, Hold, Step Together, Side Step, Touch, Grapevine Left with ½ Turn
1, 2Step R to side, Hold
&3, 4Step L next to R, Step R to side, Touch L next to R
5, 6Step L to side, Cross R behind L
7, 8¼ Turn left (9:00) and step L forward, ¼ Turn left (6:00) and hitch R leg

Side Step, Hold, Step Together, Side Step, Touch, Side Step, Slide, Pivot Turn
1, 2Step R to side, Hold
&3, 4Step L next to R, Step R to side, Touch L next to R
5, 6Large step L to side, Slide R next to L
7, 8Step forward on R, Pivot ½ left (12:00) and shift weight to L

Toe Strut, Toe Strut, Jazz Box
1, 2Touch R toe forward, Step down on R
3, 4Touch L toe forward, Step down on L
5, 6Cross R over L, Step L back
7, 8Step R to side, Step L forward

Touch Together, Step Back, Touch Together, Step Forward, Pivot Left, Full Turn Left
1, 2Shift weight forward and touch R toe next to L, Step back on R
3, 4Shift weight back and touch L toe next to R, Step forward on L
5, 6Step forward on R, Pivot ½ left (6:00) and shift weight to L
7, 8½ turn left (12:00) and step R back, ½ turn left (6:00) and step L forward

Tag: During wall six (it starts when they start singing, “B to the A…”) do the first 32 counts of the dance.
Then skip to the last four counts of the dance. After the toe struts to the right, do the pivot turn and full turn:
1, 2Step forward on R, Pivot ½ left (6:00) and shift weight to L
3, 4½ turn left (12:00) and step R back, ½ turn left (6:00) and step L forward


Cowboy Tom October 21, 2014
I am no novice to line dancing nor am I a seasoned veteran. I am a solid intermediate, heading toward, a more advanced dancer. I can appreciate the simple dances and some of the more challenging ones. This, for me, falls into the challenging group but mostly because of the tempo. It is, however, very attainable though the pace is quick. I feel that this dance, along with others Michael has created, really strives to create fun and challenging step combinations with smooth phrase transitions.

MikeMikeMike October 22, 2014
I'd also count myself as a sturdy intermediate dancer, and I'm typically not into dances set to pop music, but I LOVE this dance. The steps flow into each other in a way that really makes sense to me, and the moves allow for some sexy flair that makes it rewarding to master. I could seriously do this dance all day fact, can someone make that happen? Great.

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