Intro: 32 Counts (from main beat kicking in) [18 seconds in]
Section 1: Syncopated Weave, Step, Rock Back, Recover, Kick Ball Cross
1 – 2Step right to right, cross left behind right
& 3 – 4Step right to right, cross left over right, step right to right
5 – 6Rock back left behind right, recover on right
7 & 8Kick left to left diagonal, step left beside right, cross right over left
Section 2: Side, Touch Behind With Click, 1/2 Turn Right, Rock Back, Recover, Step Drag, Touch
1 – 2Step left to left, touch right behind left (clicking fingers down diagonally left)
3 – 41/4 turn right stepping right forward, 1/4 turn right stepping left to left
5 – 6Rock back right behind left, recover on left
7 – 8Step right to right side dragging left foot to right, touch left beside right
Restart Wall 4 – Restart dance here, replacing count 8 with step left beside right (facing 9:00)
Section 3: Chasse 1/4 Turn Left, Kick & Point, Hip Bumps (x2), 1/2 Turn Right, Step
1 & 21/4 turn left stepping left forward, step right beside left, step left to left
3 & 4Kick right forward, step right beside left, point left to left diagonal
5 & 6 &Bump hips to left, return hips to centre, bump hips to left, return hips to centre dropping left heel
7 – 81/2 turn right stepping right forward, step left forward
Section 4: Toe Struts with Hip Rolls (x2), Step 1/2 Pivot Left (x2)
1 – 2Touch right toe forward pushing right hip up, drop right heel rolling right hip down
3 – 4Touch left toe forward pushing left hip up, drop left heel rolling right hip down
5 – 6Step right forward, pivot 1/2 turn left
7 – 8Step right forward, pivot 1/2 turn left
Ending: Wall 12 – To finish facing 12:00 replace last pivot 1/2 turn left with pivot 1/4 turn left
Restart: Wall 4 – Dance first fifteen counts, replace count 16 (touch left beside right) with step left beside right, then Restart dance. (you will be facing 9:00)
Ending: Wall 12 – To finish facing the front, replace last pivot 1/2 turn left with a pivot 1/4 turn left.
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Section 1: Syncopated Weave, Step, Rock Back, Recover, Kick Ball Cross
1 – 2Step right to right, cross left behind right
& 3 – 4Step right to right, cross left over right, step right to right
5 – 6Rock back left behind right, recover on right
7 & 8Kick left to left diagonal, step left beside right, cross right over left
Section 2: Side, Touch Behind With Click, 1/2 Turn Right, Rock Back, Recover, Step Drag, Touch
1 – 2Step left to left, touch right behind left (clicking fingers down diagonally left)
3 – 41/4 turn right stepping right forward, 1/4 turn right stepping left to left
5 – 6Rock back right behind left, recover on left
7 – 8Step right to right side dragging left foot to right, touch left beside right
Restart Wall 4 – Restart dance here, replacing count 8 with step left beside right (facing 9:00)
Section 3: Chasse 1/4 Turn Left, Kick & Point, Hip Bumps (x2), 1/2 Turn Right, Step
1 & 21/4 turn left stepping left forward, step right beside left, step left to left
3 & 4Kick right forward, step right beside left, point left to left diagonal
5 & 6 &Bump hips to left, return hips to centre, bump hips to left, return hips to centre dropping left heel
7 – 81/2 turn right stepping right forward, step left forward
Section 4: Toe Struts with Hip Rolls (x2), Step 1/2 Pivot Left (x2)
1 – 2Touch right toe forward pushing right hip up, drop right heel rolling right hip down
3 – 4Touch left toe forward pushing left hip up, drop left heel rolling right hip down
5 – 6Step right forward, pivot 1/2 turn left
7 – 8Step right forward, pivot 1/2 turn left
Ending: Wall 12 – To finish facing 12:00 replace last pivot 1/2 turn left with pivot 1/4 turn left
Restart: Wall 4 – Dance first fifteen counts, replace count 16 (touch left beside right) with step left beside right, then Restart dance. (you will be facing 9:00)
Ending: Wall 12 – To finish facing the front, replace last pivot 1/2 turn left with a pivot 1/4 turn left.
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