#16 count intro
[1-8] Walk, Walk, Left side mambo, Walk, Walk, Right side mambo touch
1, 2Walk forward Left, Right
3&4Rock Left out to left side, recover onto Right, step Left slightly fwd
5, 6Walk forward Right, Left
7&8Rock Right out to right side, recover onto Left, touch Right next to Left
[9-16] Bump back Right Left Right, Left Right Left, Sailor ¼ turn Right, Kick ball step
1&2Step Right back bumping hips back on Right, bump hips forward on Left, bump hips back on Right, taking weight onto Right
3&4Step Left back, bumping hips back on Left, bump hips forward on Right, bump hips back on Left, taking weight onto Left
5&6Step Right behind Left, ¼ turn to right stepping Left to left side, step Right to right side
7&8Kick Left diagonally to left, step on ball of Left, step Right to right side
**** Restart here on walls 4 & 8 (both Restarts facing front wall)
[17-24] Left behind side cross, Tap right out in out, Sailor ¼ turn right, step ½ turn Right, step
1&2Step Left behind Right, step Right to right side, cross step Left in front of Right
3&4Tap Right foot out to right side, tap Right foot next to Left, tap Right foot out to right side
5&6Step Right behind Left, ¼ turn to right stepping Left to left side, step Right to right side
7&8Step forward on Left, ½ turn right stepping onto Right, step forward on Left
[25-32] Right bump and step, Left bump and step, Cross rock side rock, Jazz ¼ turn right
1&2Bump Right to right side, recover onto Left, step Right slightly forward
3&4Bump Left to left side, recover onto Right, step Left slightly forward
5&6&Cross rock Right over Left, recover onto Left, side rock to right side, recover on left
7&8Cross right over Left, ¼ turn right stepping Left back, step right forward
*** Restarts on walls 4 & 8 at count 16.
Ending… you will be facing back wall, Dance the first 12 counts then change the sailor ¼ turn to a sailor ½ turn then finish with the kick ball side … Ta Da … happy dancing
Note from Heather: Thanks Willie for asking me to do this with you
Contact: - -
Last Update - 3rd May 2015
[1-8] Walk, Walk, Left side mambo, Walk, Walk, Right side mambo touch
1, 2Walk forward Left, Right
3&4Rock Left out to left side, recover onto Right, step Left slightly fwd
5, 6Walk forward Right, Left
7&8Rock Right out to right side, recover onto Left, touch Right next to Left
[9-16] Bump back Right Left Right, Left Right Left, Sailor ¼ turn Right, Kick ball step
1&2Step Right back bumping hips back on Right, bump hips forward on Left, bump hips back on Right, taking weight onto Right
3&4Step Left back, bumping hips back on Left, bump hips forward on Right, bump hips back on Left, taking weight onto Left
5&6Step Right behind Left, ¼ turn to right stepping Left to left side, step Right to right side
7&8Kick Left diagonally to left, step on ball of Left, step Right to right side
**** Restart here on walls 4 & 8 (both Restarts facing front wall)
[17-24] Left behind side cross, Tap right out in out, Sailor ¼ turn right, step ½ turn Right, step
1&2Step Left behind Right, step Right to right side, cross step Left in front of Right
3&4Tap Right foot out to right side, tap Right foot next to Left, tap Right foot out to right side
5&6Step Right behind Left, ¼ turn to right stepping Left to left side, step Right to right side
7&8Step forward on Left, ½ turn right stepping onto Right, step forward on Left
[25-32] Right bump and step, Left bump and step, Cross rock side rock, Jazz ¼ turn right
1&2Bump Right to right side, recover onto Left, step Right slightly forward
3&4Bump Left to left side, recover onto Right, step Left slightly forward
5&6&Cross rock Right over Left, recover onto Left, side rock to right side, recover on left
7&8Cross right over Left, ¼ turn right stepping Left back, step right forward
*** Restarts on walls 4 & 8 at count 16.
Ending… you will be facing back wall, Dance the first 12 counts then change the sailor ¼ turn to a sailor ½ turn then finish with the kick ball side … Ta Da … happy dancing
Note from Heather: Thanks Willie for asking me to do this with you
Contact: - -
Last Update - 3rd May 2015