Intermediate waltz
Starts 24 counts in, with weight on right
[1 – 6] L sailor waltz, R sailor waltz (12.00)
1,2,3Step L behind R, step/rock R to right side, replace weight to L
4,5,6Step R behind l, step/rock L to left side, replace weight to R
[7-12] Cross ¼ twinkle, full turn right (9.00)
1,2,3Cross L over R, turning 90° left step R back, step L beside R
4,5,6Step R forward, turning 180°right step L back, turning 180° right step R forward
[13-18] Slow pivot ½, full turn left (3.00)
1,2,3Step L forward, pivot 180° right for two counts replacing weight to R
4,5,6Step L forward, turning 180° left step R back, turning 180° left, step L forward
[19-24] Slow pivot ½, hip sways (9.00)
1,2,3Step R forward, pivot 180° left for two counts replacing weight to L
4,5,6Sway hips R, L R
[25-30] Step, slow sweep, behind, side, cross (9.00)
1,2,3Step L to left side, sweep R behind L for two counts
4,5,6Step R behind L, step L to left side, step R in front of L
[31-36] Rock, replace, cross, ¼, ½, ½, (6:00)
1,2,3Rock L to left side, replace weight to R, cross L over R
4,5,6Turning 90° left step R back, turning 180° left step L forward, turning 180° left step R back
[37-42] Back rock, replace, step, step, full turn (6:00)
1,2,3Rock back on L, replace weight to R, Step L forward
4,5,6Step R forward, turning 180° right step L back, turning 180° right step R forward
(easy option - 4,5,6 forward, together, forward - Step R forward, step L beside R, step R forward)
[43-48] Rock, replace, ½, step, slow sweep ½ (6:00)
1,2,3Rock forward on L, replace weight to R, turning 180° left step L forward
4,5,6,Step R forward, turning 180° left sweep L behind R for two counts
At the end of wall 3 - dance the following 18 count Tag and Restart
[1-6] Reverse pivot, reverse pivot
1,2,3Touch left back, turn 180° left for two counts (weight remains on R)
4,5,6Touch left back, turn 180° left for two counts (weight remains on R)
[7-12] Side drag, side drag
1,2,3Step L to left side, drag R beside L for two counts touching beside L
4,5,6Step R to right side, drag L beside R for two counts touching beside R
[13-18] Rock back, replace, half, rock back, replace, sweep ½
1,2,3Rock back on L, replace weight to R, turning 180° right step L back
4,5,6Rock back on R, replace weight to L, turning 180° left step R back sweeping L around
At the end of wall 8 dance the following 12 count Tag and Restart
[1-6] Reverse pivot, reverse pivot
1,2,3Touch left back, turn 180° left for two counts (weight remains on R)
4,5,6Touch left back, turn 180° left for two counts (weight remains on R)
[7-12] Rock back, replace, half, rock back, replace, sweep ½
1,2,3Rock back on L, replace weight to R, turning 180° right step L back
4,5,6Rock back on R, replace weight to L, turning 180° left step R back sweeping L around
KELVIN DALE – 0414 795 528 KATHRYN SLOAN – 0402 219 272
[1 – 6] L sailor waltz, R sailor waltz (12.00)
1,2,3Step L behind R, step/rock R to right side, replace weight to L
4,5,6Step R behind l, step/rock L to left side, replace weight to R
[7-12] Cross ¼ twinkle, full turn right (9.00)
1,2,3Cross L over R, turning 90° left step R back, step L beside R
4,5,6Step R forward, turning 180°right step L back, turning 180° right step R forward
[13-18] Slow pivot ½, full turn left (3.00)
1,2,3Step L forward, pivot 180° right for two counts replacing weight to R
4,5,6Step L forward, turning 180° left step R back, turning 180° left, step L forward
[19-24] Slow pivot ½, hip sways (9.00)
1,2,3Step R forward, pivot 180° left for two counts replacing weight to L
4,5,6Sway hips R, L R
[25-30] Step, slow sweep, behind, side, cross (9.00)
1,2,3Step L to left side, sweep R behind L for two counts
4,5,6Step R behind L, step L to left side, step R in front of L
[31-36] Rock, replace, cross, ¼, ½, ½, (6:00)
1,2,3Rock L to left side, replace weight to R, cross L over R
4,5,6Turning 90° left step R back, turning 180° left step L forward, turning 180° left step R back
[37-42] Back rock, replace, step, step, full turn (6:00)
1,2,3Rock back on L, replace weight to R, Step L forward
4,5,6Step R forward, turning 180° right step L back, turning 180° right step R forward
(easy option - 4,5,6 forward, together, forward - Step R forward, step L beside R, step R forward)
[43-48] Rock, replace, ½, step, slow sweep ½ (6:00)
1,2,3Rock forward on L, replace weight to R, turning 180° left step L forward
4,5,6,Step R forward, turning 180° left sweep L behind R for two counts
At the end of wall 3 - dance the following 18 count Tag and Restart
[1-6] Reverse pivot, reverse pivot
1,2,3Touch left back, turn 180° left for two counts (weight remains on R)
4,5,6Touch left back, turn 180° left for two counts (weight remains on R)
[7-12] Side drag, side drag
1,2,3Step L to left side, drag R beside L for two counts touching beside L
4,5,6Step R to right side, drag L beside R for two counts touching beside R
[13-18] Rock back, replace, half, rock back, replace, sweep ½
1,2,3Rock back on L, replace weight to R, turning 180° right step L back
4,5,6Rock back on R, replace weight to L, turning 180° left step R back sweeping L around
At the end of wall 8 dance the following 12 count Tag and Restart
[1-6] Reverse pivot, reverse pivot
1,2,3Touch left back, turn 180° left for two counts (weight remains on R)
4,5,6Touch left back, turn 180° left for two counts (weight remains on R)
[7-12] Rock back, replace, half, rock back, replace, sweep ½
1,2,3Rock back on L, replace weight to R, turning 180° right step L back
4,5,6Rock back on R, replace weight to L, turning 180° left step R back sweeping L around
KELVIN DALE – 0414 795 528 KATHRYN SLOAN – 0402 219 272