前奏: Intro: 34 seconds commence on the word “Come”
第一段 |
Chasse Right, Rock Back, Recover,
Chasse Left, Rock Back, Recover |
1&2 |
Step right to right, close left to right, step right to right 右足右踏, 左足併踏, 右足右踏 |
3–4 |
Rock back on left, recover onto right
左足後下沉, 右足回復 |
5&6 |
Step left to left, close right to left, step left to left 左足左踏, 右足併踏, 左足左踏 |
7–8 |
Rock back on right, recover onto left
右足後下沉, 左足回復 |
第二段 |
Turning Chasses, Rock Back, Recover,
Rock Back, Recover |
1&2 |
Turning ¼ to right chasse – right left right 右轉90度右追步-右, 左, 右 |
3&4 |
Turning ½ to right chasse – left right left (moving back) 右轉180度左追步-左, 右, 左(向後移動) |
5–6 |
Rock back on right, recover on left
右足後下沉, 左足回復 |
7–8 |
Rock back on right, recover on left
右足後下沉, 左足回復 |
第三段 |
2 Chicken Walks, 4 Boogie Walks |
1–2 |
Weight on left and knees slightly bent, lean back slightly – Slide right
toe forward whilst turning hips and shoulders to the right, close right to
left 重心在左足雙膝略彎身體略後傾, 轉臀肩膀向右傾右足趾前滑, 右足併踏 |
3–4 |
Weight on right and knees slightly bent, lean back slightly – Slide left
toe forward whilst turning hips and shoulders to the left, close left to
right 重心在右足雙膝略彎身體略後傾, 轉臀肩膀向左傾右足趾前滑, 左足併踏 |
5–8 |
Straighten up and boogie walk forward – Step forward on right with toes
turned out to right, step forward on left with toes turned to left, step
forward on right with toes turned out to right, Step forward on left with
toes turned out to left. (站直向前搖滾走步)右足趾右前踏, 左足趾左前踏, 右足趾右前踏, 左足趾左前踏 |
whilst dancing the boogie walks shake hands out to the sides – waist
level Jazz hands 當搖滾走步時, 雙手向兩側搖擺 |
第四段 |
1/4 Pivot, ¼ Pivot, Side Switches,
Flick Behind |
1–2 |
Step forward on right, ¼ turn left transferring weight on left 右足前踏, 左轉90度重心在左足 |
3–4 |
Step forward on right, ¼ turn left transferring weight on left 右足前踏, 左轉90度重心在左足 |
5&6 |
Point right toe to right, close right to left, point left toe to left 右足趾右點, 右足併踏, 左足趾左點 |
&78 |
Close left to right, point right toe to right, flick right foot back 左足併踏, 右足趾右點, 右足後抬 |
第五段 |
Shuffle Forward, Chasse ½ Turn Right, Rock Back On
Right, Recover On Left, Kick Ball Cross |
1&2 |
Shuffle forward right, left, right 前交換-右, 左, 右 |
3&4 |
Chasse ½ turn right moving back – left, right, left 右180度後轉交換-左, 右, 左 |
5–6 |
Rock back on right, recover onto left 右足後下沉, 左足回復 |
7&8 |
Kick right foot diagonally to right, step onto ball of right foot, cross
left over right 右足右斜角前踢, 右足踏, 左足於右足前交叉踏 |
第六段 |
Windmill Turns, Kick Ball Change |
1–2 |
Touch right toes to right, turn ¼ right and step forward on right 右足趾右點, 右轉90度右足前踏 |
3–4 |
Turn ¼ right and touch toes to left, turn ¼ left and step forward on
left 右轉90度左足趾左點, 左轉90度左足前踏 |
5–6 |
Turn ¼ left and touch toes to right, turn ¼ to right and step forward on
right 左轉90度右足趾右點, 右轉90度右足前踏 |
7&8 |
Kick left forward, step onto ball of left, step right in place 左足前踢, 左足踏, 右足踏 |
Easier |
option for 1–6 – turn ¼ right and dance 3 toe struts forward 簡易版: 做三次右轉90度的趾踵步 |
第七段 |
Rock Forward On Left, Recover Onto Right, Shuffle Back,
Toe Strut Back, Turn ¼ Left And Rock Out To Left, Recover |
1–2 |
Rock forward on left, recover onto right 左足前下沉, 右足回復 |
3&4 |
Shuffle back – left, right, left 後交換-左, 右, 左 |
5–6 |
Right toe back, lower heel 右足趾後點, 右足踵踏 |
7–8 |
Turn ¼ left and rock out to left, recover onto right 左轉90度左足左下沉, 右足回復 |
Intermediate |
option for 3&4 – shuffle ½ turn left, 5–6 turn ½ left and right toe
strut back 進階版: 左180度轉交換, 左轉180度右足趾踵步 |
第八段 |
Cross, Point, Cross, Point, Jazz Box, Tap |
1–2 |
Cross left over right, point right toe to right 左足於右足前交叉踏, 右足趾右點 |
3–4 |
Cross right over left, point left toe to left 右足於左足前交叉踏, 左足趾左點 |
5–8 |
Cross left over right, step back on right, step left to left, tap right
next to left 左足於右足前交叉踏, 右足後踏, 左足左踏, 右足併點 |
Intermediate |
option for 5–8 – Cross left over right and turn full turn right stepping
on left to left on beat 8 進階版: 左足於右足前交叉踏, 以2拍右轉圈, 左足左踏 |
The End of the music finishes after the side switches
in section 4 …… step 8 flick right behind left and look to front slapping
right heel with left hand and extend right arm up Taaa Daaa! 音樂要結束時跳到第四段第5-8拍點收點收部份, 第8拍的右足於左足後抬時, 左手前拍右足踵, 右手高舉, 結束舞曲 |