Come A Little Closer
Jean Welser (USA) - July 2014
My Eyes (feat. Gwen Sebastian) - Blake Shelton
32 count intro – start on lyrics
1-2, 3-4Swivel forward (or “skate”) with right foot, swivel with left
5,6,7,8Triple forward - right, left, right - and hold one beat
1-2, 3-4Swivel forward with left foot, swivel with right
5,6,7,8Triple forward - left, right, left, - and hold one beat
1,2,3,4Triple one quarter turn to right – right, left, right and hold one beat
5-6,7,8Three-step half turn left to 9:00 wall (left forward and hold one count, right turning, left completing turn)
1-2 3,4Three-step half turn right to 3:00 wall (right forward and hold one count, left turning, right completing)
5-6,7-8Step left in place and hold, step right in place and hold
1-2 3-4Step back with left and hold, step back with right and hold
5,6,7-8Step back left, right, left, and hold one count
(While doing this move, arms should be down at side, hands facing hips, shoulders moving up and down in opposition to steps, like a “camel” or “boogie” motion)
1-2, 3-4Point right toe and bump right hip; step down on right and hold
5,6,7-8Three-step jazz box - left over right, right foot back making quarter turn to left, left close to rt - and hold; you should now have returned to the 12:00 wall.
1-2 3,4Cross right over left, bending knee for lunge and hold one count; make half turn right, stepping left, right
5-6 7,8Cross left over right, bending knee for lunge and hold one count; make half turn left, stepping right, left
1-2 3,4Cross right over left, bending knee for lunge and hold one count; make half turn right, stepping left, right
5-6,7-8Cross left over right, bending knee for lunge and hold one count; touch right toe and hold so you are ready to start the next wall with a swivel on the right foot. You should be facing 6:00 wall.
NOTES: This dance has one Tag and one Restart:
The 16 count Tag comes right after the second wall and is danced with two night club two steps (starting to right) and four two-count steps in place (rlrl).
The Restart comes after the back “camel” on the fourth wall when the music changes.
comealittlecloser 7/6/14 © rev 7/27/14