Can't Rely On You

Darren Bailey (UK), Raymond Sarlemijn (NL) & Roy Hadisubroto (IRE) - April 2014
Can't Rely On You - Paloma Faith

Side, Cross Rock, Recover, Step back, Behind, Side, Cross 1/4 turn L, Step, Sweep 3/4 turn L.
1Step Rf to R side
2&3Cross rock Lf over Rf, recover onto Rf, Step diagonally back on Lf
4&5Step back on Rf, close Rf next to Lf, make a 1/4 turn L and step forward on Rf
6-7Step forward on Lf, closing Rf next to Lf make a 3/4 turn Land sweeping Lf out to finish

Sailor L, Hold x2, Close, Close, Side, Cross, Side, Back 1/4 turn L .
8&1Cross Lf behind slightly behind Rf, close Rf next to Lf, step Lf to L side
2-3Hold, Hold
4&5Step Rf next to Lf, Step Rf next to Lf, Step Rf to R side
6&7Cross Lf over Rf, step Rf to R side, make a 1/4 L and step back on Lf

Travelling 1/2 turn L, Side step and hip rolls x2 making two 1/4 turns L, 1/4 L, Full turn Spiral L, Step forward.
8&1Step back on Rf, Make a 1/2 turn L and step forward on Lf, Step forward on Rf and start to Roll hips Anti clockwise
2Complete full rotation of hips making a 1/4 turn L (Weight finishes on Lf)
3-4Step forward on Rf and start to Roll hips Anti clockwise, complete full rotation of hips making a 1/4 turn L (Weight finishes on Lf)
5Make a 1/4 L and step forward on Rf
6-7Make a full spiral turn L, step forward on Lf

Lock, Step back, Syncopated Locks steps back, 1/4 turn R into Sway x3.
8-1Lock Rf infront and across Lf, step back on Lf
2&3&Step Rf diagonly back R, cross Lf over Rf, step back on Rf, step Lf diagonaly back L
4&5Cross Rf over Lf, step back on Lf, make a 1/4 turn R step Rf to R side (swaying hips to R)
6-7Sway hips L, sway hips R

L Lock forward, Syncopated High lock, Full turn L, Hold x2.
8&1Make a 1/4 turn L and step forward on Lf, lock Rf behind Lf, step forward on Lf
&2&3Step forward on Rf (ball of foot), lock Lf behind Rf (ball of foot), step forward on Rf, step forward on Lf
4&5Make a 1/2 turn L and step back on Rf, make a 1/2 turn L and step forward on Lf, Step Rf to R side
6-7Hold, Hold

Side steps with chest pops, Cross Rock, Recover, Step back, Travelling 1/2 turn R.
8-1Close Lf next to Rf, Step Rf to R side (chest pops on counts 8,&,)
2-3Close Lf next to Rf, Step Rf to R side (chest pops on counts 8,&,)
4&5Cross rock Lf over Rf, recover onto Rf, step diagonaly back on Lf (open body to L)
6&7Cross Rf over Lf, Step back on Lf to L diagonal, make a 1/2 turn R and step forward on Rf

Travelling 1/2 turn R with Drag, Step back, Coaster step L, Step, Lock.
8&1Make a 1/4 turn R and step Lf to L side, make a 1/4 turn R and step back on Rf, Take a big step back on Lf
2-3Pull Rf towards Lf, step back on Rf
4&5Step back on Lf, close Rf next to Lf, step forward on Lf
(The above counts 6&7 8&1 2-3 4&5 are all danced traveling to 7:30 'diagonal')
6-7Step forward on Rf, lock Lf behind Rf

R Lock step, Cross, step back 1/4 turn L, Chasse L, Hold x2.
8&1Step forward on Rf, lock Lf behind Rf, step forward on Rf
(6-7 8&1 are danced towards 1:30 diagonal)
2-3Cross Lf over Rf, make a 1/4 turn L and step back on Rf
4&5Step Lf to L side, close Rf next to Lf, step Lf to L side
6-7Hold, Hold

Close, 1/4 turn R, Flick, Touch, Hold, Cross, Touch, Hold, Heel Swivel, Return, Hold, Chest pop, Hold.
8&Close Rf next to Lf, make a 1/4 turn R and step forward on Lf
1&2Flick Rf behind Lf, touch Rf to R side, hold
3&4Step forward on Rf, touch Lf to L side, hold
5&6Swivel both heels to R, return heels to place, hold
7&8Pop chest out, return chest to position, hold

Slow Cross with R leg, Slow full turn L, (weight ends on Lf).
1Place weight onto Lf
2-3-4Lift R leg and slowly cross in front of Lf
5-6-7-8Unwind a full turn slowly placing weight onto Lf