I Thought I'd Lost You
Peter Davenport (ES) - May 2013
I Thought I Lost You - Miley Cyrus & John Travolta
24 Count Intro, Start on the words “Nobody listens to me” aprox 19 sec’s
Toe Heel Stomp, Toe Heel Stomp, Rock Replace Sailor ¼ R
1&2Touch R toe to L insole, Touch R heel to L insole, Stomp R down 12
3&4Touch L toe to R insole, Touch L heel to R insole, Stomp L down 12
5,6Rock forward on R, Recover on L 12
7&8Sailor ¼ R 3
Heel Grind ¼ L, Walk Back L.R, Rock Back Replace, Shuffle ½
1,2L heel grind ¼ L 12
3,4Walk back L.R* wall 9 12
5,6Rock back on L, Recover on R 12
7&8Shuffle ½ R 6
Cross Back, Side Shuffle, Cross Back, Side Shuffle L
1,2Cross R over L, Step back on L 6
3&4Side shuffle R* wall 2 6
5,6Cross L over R, Step back on R 6
7&8Side shuffle L* wall 4 6
Rock Replace, Coaster Step, Step ½ R, Step ½ Step Back Together
1,2Rock forward on R, Recover on L 6
3&4R coaster step 6
5,6Step forward on L, Pivot ½ R 12
7,8Make ½ R step back on L, Bring R to L (weight remains on L) 6
*Restart on wall 2
Dance up to and including counts 3&4 on section 3 but transfer weight to L
*Restart on wall 4
Dance up to and including counts 7&8 on section 3 and restart the dance
*Restart on wall 9
Dance up to and including counts 3.4 but touch R to L on count 4, this is because the music goes out of sync on wall 8, so you just need to dance through it to get back in sync on wall 9 Ta
Contact - Email: peterdavenport@hotmail.com - Web: bootscooterslinedancing.co.uk