Empty Pockets
Beginner / Improver
Andrew Palmer (UK) & Sheila Palmer (UK) - May 2012
If the Devil Danced In Empty Pockets - Joe Diffie : (CD: Ultimate Hits)
Intro 16 counts, start on vocals
[1-8] Charleston-Step. Lock-Step fwd. Hold
1-2Swing right forward and touch, swing right to side
3-4Touch back with right, swing right forward
5-8Step forward right, lock left behind right, step forward right, hold
[9-16] Cross. Hold. Back. Hold. Shuffle half turn. Hold
1-2Cross left over right, hold
3-4Step back on right, hold
5-8Shuffle half turn left (L, R, L) (facing 6:00), hold
[17-24] Step-Pivot-Step. Hold. Kick. Step. Point. Hold
1-2Step forward right, pivot half turn left (facing 12:00)
3-4Step forward right, hold
5-8Kick left forward, step left beside right, point right to side, hold
[25-32] Kick. Step. Point. Hold. Sailor-Quarter turn. Hold
1-4Kick right forward, step right beside left, point left to side, hold
5-8Sailor-step quarter turn left (facing 9:00), hold
Contact: http://www.a-s-portal.com < 07729285100 > sheilaandandrewp@gmail.com