A Little Bit of Soap
William Sevone (UK) - October 2011
A Little Bit of Soap - The Jarmels : (many compilations)
Choreographers note:- A quick tempo QQS Rumba - an ideal floor-split with ‘Just One Rumba’
Always remember - 'The beat may reach your feet - but the rhythm should electrify your soul'.
Dance starts on the vocals.
Forward. Lock. Forward. Side Press. Recover. Together. Hold (12:00)
1 – 2Step forward onto right. Lock left behind right
3 – 4Step forward onto right. Hold.
5 – 6Press step left to left side. Recover onto right.
7 – 8Touch left next to right. Hold.
Forward. Lock. Forward. Hold. Side Press. Together. Hold (12:00)
9 – 10Step forward onto left. Lock right behind left.
11 – 12Step forward onto left. Hold.
13 – 14Press step right to right side. Recover onto left.
15 – 16Step right next to left. Hold.
1/4 Monterey. Side Touch. Hold. Together. 1/4 Monterey. Hold (6:00)
17 – 18Touch left to left side. Turn ¼ left & step left next to right (9).
19 – 20Touch right to right side. Hold.
21 – 22Step right next to left. Touch left to left side.
23 – 24Turn ¼ left & step left next to right (6). Hold.
2x Forward-Lock-Forward-Hold. 1/4 Turn (3:00)
25 – 26Step forward onto right. Lock left behind right
27 – 28Step forward onto right. Hold.
29 – 30Step forward onto left. Lock right behind left.
31 – 32Step forward onto left. Hold.
&On ball of left turn ¼ left - ready to step forward onto right (Count 1)
DANCE FINISH: Wall 9 – dance up to count 16 (12:00).. make a poise/pose and hold for aprox 4 counts.