Hijo De La Luna
Jean-Pierre Madge (CH) - August 2011
Hijo de la Luna - Mecano
S1: Sailor Step, Behind ¼ touch
1-2-3Step right behind left, step left to left side, step right to right side
4-5-6Step Left behind right, ¼ to right and step right forward, touch left toe to left side
S2: Back Kick Kick, Back Kick Kick
1-2-3Step left back, kick Right to Right diagonal two times
4-5-6Step Right back, kick Left to Left diagonal two times
S3: Behind ¼ Cross, Lunch
1-2-3Step left back, 1/4 to right and step right to right side, cross left over right
4-5-6Step right to right side and bend your right knee with weight
S4: Recover ¼ , ½ Turn , Step, Scuff, Step right next left, rock left foot forward, recover weight on right foot
1-2-3Recover weight on left foot turning ¼ to right and step left back, ½ to right and step right forward , Step left forward
4-5-6Scuff right foot forward and keep right foot up
(Restart here ! On WallS 4 ; 7 & 10 )
S5: Big Step Back , Behind ¼ cross Step left forward, touch right toes forward
1-2-3Big step back with right foot, and drag left foot next right for 2 and 3
4-5-6Step left behind , ¼ right and step right to right side, cross left over right
S6: Rock Recover, ¾ Turn Right (to the right diagonal) Step right forward, lock left behind right, step right forward
1-2-3Rock right foot to right side ,
4-5-6Recover weight on left foot making a ¼ turn right and stepping left back, ½ turn right and step right forward, ¼ right and step left forward
S7: Walk, Walk Step left behind,step right next left, step left behind
1-2-3Step right forward , hold, hold
4-5-6Step left forward, hold, hold
S8: Rock Recover ½ Turn , Run Run Run 3/8 turn Cross left over right, 1/8 turn left step right to the right side, step left back
1-2-3Rock right forward , recover weight on left foot, ½ turn right and step right forward
4-5-6Run Left, Right, Left turning 3/8 turn to right (4:30)
S9: Scuff, Hitch ½, Back, Back , ¼, ¼ Step
1-2-3Scuff right foot forward, Hitch right knee up and turn ½ left, Step right back (10:30)
4-5-6Step left back, ¼ turn to right and step right to right side, ¼ to right and step left forward (4:30)
S10: Scuff, Hitch ½ , Back, Back, ¼, ¼ Step
1-2-3Scuff right foot forward, Hitch right knee up and turn ½ left, Step right back (10:30)
4-5-6Step left back , ¼ turn to right and step right to right side, ¼ to right and step left forward (4:30)
S11: Step, Sweep, Run, Run, Run
1-2-3Step right forward , Sweep left over right foot and make a ½ turn right (10:30)
4-5-6Run Left,Right,Left (10:30)
S12: Step, Spiral full turn , Run, Run, Run
1-2-3Step right forward, Turn full turn over Left on ball of Right leaving Left toe on floor (10:30)
4-5-6Run Left,Right,Left(10:30)
S13: Cross Rock Step, Cross Rock Step
1-2-3(Facing front) Cross right over left and Rock, recover weight on left, step right to right side
4-5-6Cross Left over right and Rock, recover weight on right, step left to left side.
Tag : At the end of Wall 1 - Basic Square Steps
1-2-3Cross right over left turning ¼ to left, Step left next right, step right in place ( 9:00)
4-5-6Step left back turning ¼ to left, Step right next left, Step left in place (6:00)
1-2-3Cross right over left turning ¼ to left, Step left next right, step right in place (3:00)
4-5-6Step left back turning ¼ to left, Step right next left, Step left in place (12:00)