High (drivin' down the freeway)
Easy Intermediate
Tony Wilson (USA) - April 2010
High - David Bradley : (Album: Movin' On)
16 count intro
Night Club 2 R and L, 1/4 turn 1/2 pivot, 1/4 turn side cross
1-2& Step R to right side, step L behind R, recover on R
3-4& Step L to left side, step R behind L, recover on L
5-6& Turn ¼ right step R forward, step L forward, pivot ½ right weight on R (9:00)
7-8 Turn ¼ right step L to left side, cross R over L (12:00)
Night Club 2 L and R, 1/4 turn 1/2 pivot, 1/4 turn side cross
1-2& Step L to left side, step R behind L, recover on L
3-4& Step R to right side, step L behind R, recover on R
5-6& Turn ¼ left step L forward, step R forward, pivot ½ left weight on L (3:00)
7-8 Turn ¼ left step R to right side, cross L over R (12:00)
Side close 1/4 turn, 1/2 pivot, L lock step, R lock step
1&2 Step R to right side. step L next to R turn ¼ right, step R forward
3-4 Step L forward, pivot ½ right weight on R (9:00)
5-6& Step L forward on left diagonal, lock R behind L, step L forward
7-8& Step R forward on right diagonal, lock L behind R, step R forward
Sway hips left right, L sailor, R behind L Ronde L behind, side cross
1-2 Step L to left side sway hips L, R
3&4 Step L behind R, step R to right side, step L to left side
5-6& Step R behind L, sweep L around from front to behind R, step on L behind R
7-8 Step R to right side, cross L over R
Start Again
The last pattern starts at 9:00 O' clock. Dance to count 16
then turn to face front wall step back on R and hold
email: tonyukw@juno.com