Teardrops & Whispers

Chris Cleevely (UK) - January 2010
Teardrops - Womack & Womack

Start on vocals (32 count intro)

Cross, Hold; Cross, Hold; Walk, Walk; Cross, Hold
1 - 2 Cross right over left, hold for one count (click fingers on left hand)
3 - 4 Cross left over right, hold for one count (click fingers on left hand)
5 - 6 Walk forward right, walk forward left (or prissy walks)
7 - 8 Cross right over left, hold for one count

Back, Point; Back Point; Weave Right, Point
9 - 10 Step back on left, point right toe to right side
11 - 12 Step back on right, point left toe to left side
13 - 14 Cross left behind right, step right to right side
15 - 16 Cross left over right, point right toe to right side

Diagonal Step, Kick; Diagonal Step, Kick; Jazz Box
17 - 18 On left diagonal, step forward on right, kick left forward
19 - 20 Still on left diagonal, step forward on left, kick right forward
21 - 22 Cross right over left, step back on left
23 - 24 Straightening up, step right to right side, cross left over right (12.00 o’clock)

Monterey ¼ Turn Right; Heel, Touch; Point, Touch
25 - 26 Point right toe to right side, make ¼ turn right stepping on right (3.00 o’clock)
27 - 28 Point left toe to left side, step left beside right
29 - 30 Touch right heel forward, touch right toe beside left
31 - 32 Point right toe to right side, touch right toe beside left

Email: christinec48@hotmail.com
Website: www.christalconnections.com