Ain't Broke
Jeff Allen (AUS)
Badly Bent - The Tractors
1-4Tap right heel forward twice, tap right toe back twice5-8Touch right toe to right side, slap right foot behind with left hand touch right toe to right side, step right next to left 9-12Tap left heel forward twice, tap left toe back twice13-16Touch left toe to left side, slap left foot behind with right hand touch left toe to left side, step left next to right 17-20Shuffle forward left-right-left, right-left-right 21-24Kick left foot forward twice, step left-right-left on the spot25-28Kick right foot forward twice, step right-left-right on the spot 29-32Step forward on left, pivot ½ turn right, stomp left, stomp right 33-36Moving forward, stomp left-right-left-right while clapping37-40Vine left left-right-left, touch right next to left 41-44Right kick ball change, kick right foot forward twice45-48Vine right right-left-right, touch left next to right 49-52Cross left over right, unwind ½ turn right, stomp right, stomp left53-56Step forward on right, pivot ½ turn left, stomp right, stomp leftREPEAT