Alice Who?
Stan The Stomper (UK)
Living Next Door to Alice - Smokie
TOUCH RIGHT HEEL FORWARD, FAN RIGHT TOES, TOUCH LEFT HEEL FORWARD, FAN LEFT TOES1-2Touch right heel forward at 45 degrees, touch right beside left,3-4Fan right toes to right side, return right toes to center5-6Touch left heel forward at 45 degrees, touch left beside right,7-8Fan left toes to left side, return left toes to centerTOE, HEEL, SHUFFLE BACK, TOE, HEEL, SHUFFLE BACK9-10Touch right toe beside left instep, touch right heel beside left instep11&12Step back with right foot, step together with left foot next to right foot, step back with right foot13-14Touch left toe beside right instep, touch left heel beside right instep15&16Step back with left foot, step together with right foot next to left foot, step back with left footSIDE, BEHIND, ¼ TURNING SHUFFLE, JAZZ BOX WITH ¼ TURN RIGHT17-18Step to right side with right foot, step across behind right leg with left foot19&20Step ¼ turn right with right foot, step to left side with left foot, transfer weight onto right foot21-22Cross right in front of left, step back on left23-24Step right foot to right side step together with left (or slightly forward)STEPPING FORWARD25-26Step right forward at 45 degrees, step left next to right27-28Step right forward at 45 degrees, touch left next to right29-30Step left forward at 45 degrees, touch right next to left31-32Step left forward at 45 degrees, step right next to leftREPEAT On walls 1, 2, 5, 6, and 10, after steps 25-26 you need to shout as loud as you can "Alice? Who the heck is Alice?" Or words to that effect. On the 8th wall the music stops but just carry on to the end of the sequence.