Badly Bent Charleston
Dee Belsher (USA)
Badly Bent - The Tractors
ROCK STEPS1Step right foot to right2Rock step on left foot behind right foot,3Step right foot in place,4Hold5Step left foot to left6Rock step on right foot behind left foot,7Step left foot in place8Hold9Touch right toes over left foot10Lower right heel, shift weight to right foot11Touch left toes back12Lower left heel, shift weight to left foot,13Touch right toes back14Lower right heel, shift weight to right foot,15Touch left toes over right foot16Lower left heel, shift weight to left footVINE RIGHT17Step right foot to right18Cross left foot behind right19Step right foot to right20Kick left foot forward and clapVINE LEFT21Step left foot to left22Cross right foot behind left23Step left foot to left24Kick right foot forward and clapCHARLESTON25Step right foot forward26Kick left foot forward and clap 27Step left foot back28Touch right toes back and clapCHARLESTON WITH ¼ TURN29Step right foot forward making ¼ turn to right30Kick left foot forward and clap31Step left foot back32Touch right toes back and clap.REPEAT In the ROCK STEP-MILITARY TURNS left, each turn (counts 5 and 7) are ¼ turns to the left, so after the section, you are facing the new wall.