Badly Bent
Doug Laing (UK) & Julie Laing (UK)
Badly Bent - The Tractors
JAZZ BOX WITH ¼ TURN RIGHT. REPEAT1-2Cross right over left. Step back on left3-4¼ turn right on right. Step left next to right5-8Repeat 1-4HEEL SPLITS. TOE SPLITS. PIVOT. PIVOT9-10Heels apart heels together11-12Toes apart toes together. (styling-body bent slightly forward when doing toe splits)13-14Step right; pivot ½ turn to left15-16Step right; pivot ½ turn to leftEXTENDED RIGHT VINE . KICK & CLAP17-18Step right to side. Pause & clap hands19-20Cross left behind right. Pause & clap hands21-22Step right to side. Cross left behind right23-24Step right to side. Kick left & clap handsEXTENDED LEFT VINE . KICK & CLAP25-26Step left to side. Pause & clap hands27-28Step right behind left. Pause & clap hands29-30Step left to side. Cross right behind left31-32Step left to side. Kick right & clap handsREPEAT