Bad Moon Risin'
Bob Sykes (AUS)
Bad Moon Rising - Creedence Clearwater Revival
VINE RIGHT, TOUCH LEFT FORWARD, RIGHT FORWARD, LEFT FORWARD WITH CLAPS (MOVING BACK) Clap as you touch heels forward1-4Vine right, touch left heel forward5-8Step left back, touch right heel forward, step right back, touch left heel forwardVINE LEFT, TOUCH RIGHT FORWARD, LEFT FORWARD, RIGHT FORWARD WITH CLAPS (MOVING FORWARD) Clap as you touch heels forward9-12Vine left, touch right heel forward13-16Step right forward, touch left heel forward, step left forward, touch right heel forwardCHARLSTON STEP, STEP LEFT FORWARD, TOUCH RIGHT HEEL FORWARD, RIGHT TO SIDE, SLAP, RIGHT TO SIDE, HITCH, TURN ¼ turn LEFT17-20Step right back, touch left toe back, step left forward, touch right heel forward (Charleston)21-22Touch right toe to side, lift behind left knee & slap right heel with left hand23-24Touch right toe to side, hitch right knee across left leg, turning ¼ turn left on ball of left footHIP BUMPS25-28Step forward onto right bumping hips right, right, left, left29-32Bump hips right, left, right, left This ends the beginner's section. Add the following 32 beats for intermediate level. It doesn't make the dance any harder, just longer.TOE TOUCHES WITH HEEL STOMPS, SHUFFLE BACK33-34Touch right toe forward lifting left heel, drop stomp left heel to floor35-36Touch right toe back lifting left heel, drop stomp left heel to floor37-38Touch right toe forward lifting left heel, drop stomp left heel to floor39&40Shuffle back right, left, rightTOE TOUCHES WITH HEEL STOMPS, SHUFFLE FORWARD41-42Touch left toe back lifting right heel, drop stomp right heel to floor43-44Touch left toe forward lifting right heel, drop stomp right heel to floor45-46Touch left toe back lifting right heel, drop stomp right heel to floor47&48Shuffle forward left, right, leftSTEP, PIVOT ½ turn LEFT, SHUFFLE, STEP, PIVOT ½ turn RIGHT, SHUFFLE49-50Step right forward, pivot ½ turn left51&52Shuffle forward right, left, right53-54Step left forward, pivot ½ turn right55&56Shuffle forward left, right, leftBEAR WALK FORWARD WITH SHOULDER SHIMMIES57-58Stomp right forward shimmying twice59-60Stomp left forward shimmying twice62-62Stomp right forward shimmying twice63-64Stomp left forward shimmying twiceREPEAT