Bad Boys
Charlie Bowring (UK)
Good Girls Love Bad Boys - Kimber Clayton
RIGHT SIDE, BEHIND. SWITCH STEPS & MONTEREY TURN1Step right to right side2Cross left behind right3Touch right to right side&Step right in place next to left4Touch left to left side&Step left in place next to right5Touch right to right side6Turn ½ turn over right shoulder, on ball of left foot. Only step right foot in place on completion of turn7Touch left to left side8Step left in place next to rightRIGHT VINE WITH ¼ TURN & TOE STRUTS9Step right to right side10Cross left behind right11Step right to right side, making ¼ turn right12Step left in place next to right13-14Step forward on right toe, slap right heel down15-16Step forward on left toe, slap left heel downSWITCH STEPS. UNWIND ½ TURN. DOUBLE TIME HEEL SPLITS17Touch right to right side&Step right in place next to left18Touch left to left side&Step left in place next to right19Touch right heel forward&Step right in place next to left20Touch left toe back21-22Unwind ½ turn over left shoulder Next steps are done with right foot staying behind left&Keeping toes in place split heels23Keeping toes in place twist heels inwards&Keeping toes in place split heels24Keeping toes in place twist heels inwardsREPEAT Option: change count 12 to:&12Small jump forward with both feet twice