Black Is Black
Wil Bos (NL) & Roy Verdonk (NL)
Black Is Black - Los Bravos
Sequence: A A B A B A B EndPART A HEELS 'FLOWER POWER 60S' ARM MOVEMENTS1-2Right foot heel to the right, left foot heel in, move right arm from under to back3-4Left foot heel to the left, right foot heel in, move left arm from under to back5-6Right foot heel to the right, left foot heel in, move right arm from under to back7-8Left foot heel to the left, right foot heel in, move left arm from under to back (12:00)SHUFFLE BOX1&2Right foot step to the right, left foot close next to right foot, right foot ¼ turn left step to the back3&4Left foot step tot the left, right foot close next to left foot, left foot ¼ turn right step to the front5&6Right foot step to the right, left foot close next to right foot, left foot ¼ turn left step to the back7&8Left foot step to the left, right foot close next to left foot, left foot step to the side (3:00)HINGE TURNS WITH TOE STRUT AND CLICK FINGERS1-2Make ¼ turn left stepping right toe to side, drop heel taking weight3-4Make ½ turn right stepping left toe to side, drop heel taking weight5-6Make ½ turn left stepping right toe to side, drop heel taking weight7-8Make ½ turn right stepping left toe to side, drop heel taking weight (6:00)JAZZ BOX TWIST KNEE BOUNCES WITH 'COW MILKING' MOVEMENTS1-4Right foot cross over left foot, left foot step back, right foot step to the side, left foot step on the place5-8Knee bounces with 'cow milking' movements (right-left-right-left) (6:00)JAZZ BOX ¼ TURN RIGHT TOE STRUTS FORWARD WITH ARM MOVEMENTS (INDEX FINGER AND MIDDLE FINGER)1-4Right foot cross over left foot, left foot step back with ¼ turn right, right foot step to the side, left foot close next to right foot Move your index and middle finger (like Pulp Fiction) in front of your eyes from left to right5-8Right foot toe strut forward put heel down, left foot toe strut forward put heel down Move your index-and middle finger (like Pulp Fiction) in front of your eyes from right to left (9:00)DIAGONAL SHUFFLES JAZZ BOX ¼ TURN RIGHT WITH ARM MOVEMENTS1&2Right foot step diagonal to the front, close next to left foot, right foot step diagonal to the front Make fists with both arms, and make rolling movements with both arms around each other3&4Left foot step diagonal to the front, close next to right foot, left foot step diagonal to the front Make fists with both arms, and make rolling movements with both arms around each other5-8Right foot cross over left foot, left foot step back ¼ turn right, right foot step to the side, left foot close next to right foot (12:00)ROLLING VINE CLAP ROLLING VINE1-4Right foot step ¼ turn right, left foot ½ turn right step back, right foot step ¼ turn right, clap hands downwards5-8Left foot step ¼ turn left, right foot ½ turn left step back, left foot step ¼ turn left (12:00)PART B TOUCH ¼ RONDE SAILOR STEP CROSS ¼ TURN STEP BACK CHASSE LEFT1-2Right foot touch knee in, turn on the ball of your left foot, right foot sweep ¼ turn3&4Right foot cross behind left foot, left foot step to the side, right foot step to the side5-6Left foot cross over left foot, right foot step back with ¼ turn left7&8Left foot step to the side, right foot close next to left foot, left foot step to the side (12:00)HINGE TURN LEFT HINGE TURN LEFT CROSS ¾ TURN UNWIND COASTER STEP1-4Half turn left right foot to the side, half turn right, left foot to the side5-6Right foot cross over left foot, ¾ unwind left7&8Left foot step back, right foot close next to left foot, left foot step forward (3:00)HIPS SHUFFLE HIPS SHUFFLE1-2Right hip forward, left hip forward3&4Right foot step forward, left foot step next to right foot, right foot step forward5-6Left hip forward, right hip forward7&8Left foot step forward, right foot step next to left foot, left foot step forward (3:00)ROCK STEP TRIPLE CROSS SHUFFLE SIDE ROCK BEHIND SIDE CROSS1-2Right foot rock forward, left foot recover3&4Right foot turn ¼ right, left foot turn ¼ right, right foot turn ¼ right cross right foot over left foot5&6Left foot rock to the side, right foot recover7&8Left foot cross behind right foot, right foot step to the side, left foot cross over right foot (12:00)END Dance Part B until count 12, than step right foot out, put your right hand out, step left foot out, put your left hand, pose