Buffalo Boogie
George Davis (USA)
Tie Your Love In A Double Knot - Dolly Parton
1Stomp left2Cross left behind right3Step right to the side with ½ turn to right4Close left 1Stomp right2Cross right behind left3Step left to the side with ½ turn to left4Close right 1Swing left out to the side2Cross behind right3Swing right out to the side4Cross behind left 1Swing left out to the side2Cross behind right3Ankle rock to right4Ankle rock to left 1Ankle rock to right2Stomp right3Stomp right4Kick right with a hop on the left 1Together2Stomp left3Stomp left4Kick left with a hop on the right 1Together2Heel shift to left3Toe shift to left4Heel shift to left 1Toe shift to left2Toe shift to the right3Heel shift to the right4Toe shift to the right 1Hop step web heels at center position)2Touch right toe behind left heel3Touch at center position4Touch right heel forward 1Hook across left knee2Touch right heel forward3Swing right foot behind and hop ½ turn to right4Brush left forward 1Hop on right2Close together3Swivel heels left4Swivel back to center 1Swivel heels right2Swivel heels back to centerREPEAT