Bring It On
Improver west coast swing
Rick Bates (USA) & Deborah Bates (USA)
Three Good Reasons - Dwight Yoakam
DIAGONAL TOE TOUCHES, CROSSES, UNWIND1-2Touch right toe forward and diagonally to the right; cross right foot over left and step3-4Touch left toe forward and diagonally to the left; cross left foot over right and step5-6Touch right toe forward and diagonally to the right; cross right foot over left and shift weight to balls of both feet7-8Unwind full turn to the left on balls of both feet and shift weight to left footDIAGONAL JUMPS, TOUCHES, HOLDS, TOUCH, ¾ TO THE LEFT ROLLING TURN&9Jump back and diagonally to the right on right foot; touch left foot next to right10Hold and clap&11Jump back and diagonally to the left on left foot; touch right foot next to left12Hold and clap&13Jump back and diagonally to the right on right foot; touch left foot next to right14Hold and clap15-16Step to the left on left foot and begin a ¾ to the left rolling turn traveling to the left; step on right foot and complete ¾ to the left rolling turnBACK STEPS, TOUCH, SIDE STEP, TOUCH, STEP TURN, TOUCH17-18Step back on left foot; step back on right foot19-20Step back on left foot; touch right foot next to left21-22Step to the right on right foot; touch left foot next to right23-24Step a ¼ turn to the left on left foot; touch right foot next to leftWEAVE RIGHT, LUNGE RIGHT, TOE TOUCH, LUNGE LEFT. TOE TOUCH25-26Step to the right on right foot; cross left foot behind right and step27-28Step to the right on right foot; cross left foot over right and step29-30Take a long step to the right on right foot; touch left foot next to right31-32Take a long step to the left on left foot; touch right foot next to leftREPEAT