Joel Burr (AUS)
Scrubbashin' - Lee Kernaghan
Joel was age 6 when he choreographed this dance. 1-4Vine right, touching left to neutral5-6Step left foot forward, touch right beside left7-8Step back right foot, touch left beside right 9-10Step forward left, lock right behind left11&12Left shuffle forward (left-right-left) 13-14Step forward on right, turn ½ turn to left replacing weight on left15-16Rock back on right, rock forward on left 17Step forward on right18Scoot forward on right hitching left19Step forward on left20Scoot forward on left hitching right 21-24Vine right-touching left to neutralBALL JACKS&25Jump left back, touch right heel at 45 degrees&26Step right to the center, step left together&27Jump right back, touch left heel at 45 degrees&28Step left to the center, step right togetherBALL JACKS TURNING ¼ RIGHT&29Jump left back turning ¼ right, touch right heel at 45 degrees&30Step right to the center, step left together&31Jump right back, touch left heel at 45 degrees&32Step left to the center, touch right to neutralREPEAT