Bury The Shovel
Alison Copeland (UK)
Bury The Shovel - Vaquero
GRAPEVINE RIGHT, CROSS, SIDE, STEP, CROSS, LEFT SHUFFLE1-2Step right to right side, cross left behind right&3Step right to right side, cross left over right4Rock right to right side5-6Rock back onto left, cross right over left7&8Step left to left side, close right beside left, step left to left sideWALK ½ CIRCLE WITH CLICKS9-10Touch right toe back right diagonally, drop heel to floor (while doing this click fingers at head height)11-12Cross left toe over right foot turning ¼ right, drop heel to floor (while doing this click fingers below hips)13-16Repeat counts 9-12RIGHT & LEFT SIDE ROCKS, WALK BACKWARDS, BACK ROCK17&18Rock right to right side, rock back onto left, step right beside left19&20Rock left to left side, rock back onto right, step left beside right21-22Step back on right foot, step back on left foot23&24Rock back on right foot, rock forward onto left, step right beside leftRIGHT LOCK STEP, LEFT KICK BALL POINT, TAP ¼ TURN RIGHT, SLIDE RIGHT SWINGING ARMS25&26Step forward on right foot, cross lock left behind right, step forward on right foot27&28Kick left forward, step down on left, point right toe back29&30On ball of left pivot ¼ turn right tapping right toe 3 times31-32Step right to right side (big step), slide left next to right (while doing this, swing both arms from left to right)LEFT POINT & CLAP, LEFT SHUFFLE, LEFT ½ TURN, RIGHT SHUFFLE33-34Point left to left side, touch left next to right (clap on count 34)35&36Step left to left side, close right beside left, step left to left side37-38Step forward right, pivot ½ turn over left shoulder39&40Step forward right, close left beside right, step forward right, left rock, sailor step, right rock, toe strut with clicks41-42Rock left to left side, rock back onto right43&44Cross left behind right, step right to right side, step left to place45-46Rock right to right side, rock back onto left47-48Cross right toe over left foot, drop right heel to floor (while doing this click fingers on left hand to left side)LEFT TOE STRUTS WITH CLICKS, SLIDE, RIGHT CHASSE49-50Touch left toe to left side, drop left heel to floor (click fingers on left hand to right side)51-52Cross right toe behind left foot, drop right heel to floor (click fingers on left hand to left side)53-54Step left foot forward left diagonally, slide right foot next to left55&56Step right foot to right side, step left next to right, step right foot to right sideRIGHT KICK BALL CHANGE, STEP RIGHT, SLAP THIGHS, CROSS, BEND KNEE57&58Kick right forward, step down on right, step left next to right59-60Stomp right foot to right side, clap61-62Slap right thigh with right hand, slap left thigh with left hand63-64Touch right toe behind left foot, bending knees, straighten legsREPEAT