The Bump
Emily Jennings (UK)
The Bump - Kenny
WALK, WALK, SHUFFLE FORWARD, ROCK FORWARD, CROSS SHUFFLE ¾ TURN LEFT1-2Walk forward right, walk forward left3&4Step forward right, close left beside right, step forward right5-6Rock forward left, weight back on right (start to turn)7&8Step left turning ½ turn left, close right beside left, step left in front of right turning ¼ right (3:00)SIDE RIGHT, BEHIND, CHASSE RIGHT, CROSS ROCK, SHUFFLE ¼ TURN LEFT1-2Step right to right side, step left behind right3&4Step right to right side, close left beside right, step right to right5-6Cross rock left over right, return weight to right foot7&8Step left to left side, close right beside left, step left to left side turning ¼ to left, (12:00)STEP ¼ TURN, CROSS SHUFFLE LEFT, CHASSE LEFT, ROCK BACK1-2Step right forward, pivot ¼ turn (9:00)3&4Cross right in front of left, step left to left side, cross right in front of left, (keeping legs crossed)5&6Step left to left side, close right beside left, step left to left side7-8Rock right foot behind left foot, return weight to left footKICK BALL CROSS, CHASSE RIGHT ¼ TURN, STEP ½ TURN LEFT, SHUFFLE FORWARD1-2Kick right forward, step right beside left, cross left over right3&4Step right to right side, close left beside right, step right to right side turning ¼ right (12:00)5-6Step forward left, pivot half turn right (6:00)7&8Step left forward, close right beside left, step left forwardTOUCH FORWARD TOUCH SIDE COASTER, TOUCH FORWARD TOUCH SIDE COASTER1-2Touch right forward, touch to side3&4Step back right, step left beside right, step forward right5-6Touch left forward, touch left to side7&8Step back left, step right beside left, step forward leftTOE STRUT, TOE STRUT, CHARLESTON TWICE, TOE STRUT, TOE STRUT, CHARLESTON TWICE1-2Step forward on right toe, lower heel3-4Step forward on left toe, lower heel5-6Touch right in front of left, touch right behind left, taking weight onto right7-8Touch left behind right, touch left in front of right, keeping weight onto rightMONTEREY ¼ TURN LEFT TWICE1-2Touch left to left side, on ball of right foot pivot ¼ turn (3:00)3-4Step right to right side, close right beside left5-6Touch left to left side, on ball of right foot pivot ¼ turn (12:00)7-8Step right to right side, close right beside leftSTEP ½ TURN, STEP, HOLD TWICE1-2Step forward on left, pivot half turn3-4Step forward on left, hold, (6:00)5-6Step forward on right, pivot half turn7-8Step forward on right (12:00)HOLD (HIP BUMPS)1-4Hold for four counts or hip bumps (right, left, right, left)FIGURE OF EIGHT GRAPE VINE WITH A SYNCOPATED CROSS1-2Step right to right side, step left behind right3-4Step right to right side turn ¼ right, step forward on left turning ¼ right5-6Turn ½ shifting weight to right, step left to left side turning ¼7&8Step right behind left, step left to left side, step right in front of leftFIGURE OF EIGHT GRAPE VINE WITH A SYNCOPATED CROSS ¼ TURN RIGHT1-2Step left to left side, step right behind left3-4Step left to left side turn ¼ left, step forward on right turning ¼ left5-6Turn ½ shifting weight to left, step right to right side turning ¼7&8Step left behind right, step right to right side, step left forward making ¼ turn right, (3:00)REPEATTAG At end of second wall GRAPEVINE TWICE1-2Step right to right side, step left behind right3-4Step right to right side, touch left beside right5-6Step left to left side, step right behind left7-8Step left to left side, touch right beside left