Capitol T
William Sevone (UK)
4X FORWARD TOE STRUTS WITH EXPRESSION, (12:00)1-2Step forward onto right toe, drop right heel3-4Step forward onto left toe, drop left heel5-6Step forward onto right toe, drop right heel7-8Step forward onto left toe, drop left heel Optional: hand and arm movements: Right foot - right arm bent forward (forearm upright), left hand cupping/holding right elbow 1st finger pointing up - circle hand twice to the left Left foot - left arm bent forward (forearm upright), right hand cupping/holding left elbow 1st finger pointing up - circle hand twice to the rightSIDE STEP, 2X SLOW SAILOR STEP, ¼ RIGHT SIDE STEP, (3:00)9-10Step right foot to right side, cross step left foot behind right11-12Step right foot next to left, step left foot to left side13-14Cross step right foot behind left, step left foot next to right15-16Step right foot to right side, turn ¼ right & step left foot to left sideWEAVE, SIDE ROCK, ¼ RIGHT STEP FORWARD, FORWARD STEP, FORWARD LOCK STEP, (6:00)17-18Cross step right foot behind left, step left foot to left side19-20Cross step right foot over left, rock left foot to left side21-22Turn ¼ right & step forward onto right foot, step forward onto left foot23-24Lock right foot behind left, step forward onto left foot2X FORWARD TOE STRUTS WITH EXPRESSION, STEP FORWARD, PIVOT ¼ LEFT, 2X FOOT STAMP WITH EXPRESSION (3:00)25-26Step forward onto right toe, drop right heel27-28Step forward onto left toe, drop left heel Optional: hand claps: Counts 26 and 28: clap hands at head height29-30Step forward onto right foot, pivot ¼ left31-32Stamp right foot next to left, repeat Optional: hand claps: Counts 31-32: clap hands at head heightREPEATDANCE FINISH The dance will finish on count 32 of the 13th wall (facing 3:00). To finish the dance facing the 'home' wall replace count 30 with 'pivot ½ left'