Chaca Chaca
Michael Seurer (USA)
Chaca Chaca - Rosanna Rocci
VINE RIGHT, VINE LEFT1-2Step right on right, cross left behind right and step3-4Step right on right, touch left beside right and clap5-6Step left on left, cross right behind left and step7-8Step left on left, touch right beside left and clapFORWARD SHUFFLES9&10Forward shuffle (right, left, right)11&12Forward shuffle (left, right, left)13&14Forward shuffle (right, left, right)15&16Forward shuffle (left, right, left)BACK UP STEPS, TOUCH, CLAP, FORWARD STEPS17-18Step back on right, step back on left19-20Step back on right, touch left back and clap21-22Step forward on left, step forward on right23-24Step forward on left, touch right next to left and clapVINE RIGHT, VINE LEFT, ½ TURN TO THE LEFT, STOMP25-26Step right on right, cross left behind right and step27-28Step right on right, touch left beside right and clap29-30Step left on left, cross right behind left and step31Step left on left making a ½ turn to the left32Stomp right next to left and clapHIP BUMPS33-34Bump hips right twice35-36Bump hips left twice37-38Bump hips right, bump hips left39-40Repeat counts 37, 38REPEAT This dance is sometimes done contra style. On the Back steps, it is fun to Hitch on count 20 and yell "Hey" then walk forward