Christmas In Dixie
Wartan Jemian (USA)
Christmas in Dixie - Alabama
Begin dancing with the first measure after the singing starts. Use small, light steps STEP, CROSS, SHUFFLE, JAZZ LINE1Step left on left foot2Cross right leg in front of left knee, toes pointing to left and heel up3&4Shuffle sideways to right, right-left-right5Rock left forward6Rock back on right7Point left back8Step left besideSTEP, CROSS, SHUFFLE, SLOW TURNING JAZZ BOX1Step right on right foot2Cross left leg in front of right knee, toes pointing to right and heel up 3&4 shuffle sideways to left, left-right-left5Step right across left6Step left back turning foot 45 degrees to the right to begin a slow turn7Step right on right foot, finishing ¼ turn to the right8Step left besideSKATER'S STEP SLIDES Throughout this sequence you remain facing in the same direction, which will become the starting direction for the next repeat1Step right forward and to the right2Slide and touch left beside3Step left forward and to the left4Slide and step right beside5Step left forward and to the left6Slide and touch right beside7Step right forward and to the right8Slide and touch left besideTWIRL BACK, ROCK AND ROCKING TURN The following sequence of steps 1-4 produces a continuous turn to the left of 1 ¼ revolutions. The rhythm is step-step-triple step. The twirling sequence of 5 steps leaves dancers facing in the starting orientation. The rocking steps and turn leave dancers facing to the right from the starting orientation1Pivot 120 degrees (1/3 rev) to the left on the ball of the right foot stepping forward (after the pivot) on the left foot2Pivot 120 degrees (1/3 rev) to the left on the ball of the left foot stepping forward (after the pivot) on the right foot3Step left with left foot turning left 105 degrees (7/24 rev)&Step beside with right4Step left with left foot turning left 105 degrees (7/24 rev)5Rock right forward6Rock back on left turning ¼ turn to the right7Step to side on right Execute the following step in all but the last repetition of the dance8HoldREPEAT Execute the following step at the end of the last repetition8Touch toes of left foot back in an extended fifth position and lean forward, bending right knee and spreading both arms in a final curtsy There is adequate time to complete the pattern 4 times, so that the dancers face the front when they curtsy and can then all say "Merry Christmas" in unison (looking at the audience with a smile) as they hold the curtsy1Mer-2Ry3Christ-4Mas!