The Cheeky Touch
Steve Rutter (UK)
Cheeky Song (Touch My Bum) - Cheeky Girls
SIDE STEP TO RIGHT, CROSS BEHIND, SIDE STEP TO RIGHT, LEFT CROSS ROCK, (THEN SAME AGAIN LEADING WITH LEFT)1-2Step right-to-right side, cross left behind right&Step right-to-right side3-4Cross rock left over right, recover weight back onto right5-6Step left-to-left side, cross right behind left&Step left-to-left side7-8Cross rock right over left, recover weight back onto leftSTEP OUT-OUT (WITH HAND MOVEMENTS), HEEL SWIVELS, BACK ROCK, TRIPLE ½ TURN LEFT9-10Step right out to right side (placing right hand on right buttock), step left out to left side (placing left hand on left buttock)11-12Bring both heels in towards center, bring both toes in towards center (still keeping both hands on buttocks)13-14Rock back on right, recover weight forward onto left (you can take your hands off your bum on count thirteen!)15&16Triple half a turn left stepping on right, left, rightBACK ROCK, TRIPLE ¼ TURN RIGHT, TOE TOUCHES, STOMP, CLAP17-18Rock back on left, recover weight forward onto right19&20Triple a quarter turn right stepping on left, right, left21-22Touch right toe forward, touch right toe to right side23-24Stomp right beside left, clap hands onceTOE TOUCHES, STOMP, CLAP, TOE TOUCH TO SIDE, CROSS, UNWIND ½ TURN LEFT, CLAP25-26Touch left toe forward, touch left toe to left side27-28Stomp left beside right, clap hands once29-30Touch right toe to right side, cross right over left31-32Unwind half a turn left, clap hands once (weight ends on left)REPEATRESTART On walls 5 & 10 dance section 1 twice, then resume with section 2 (you will be facing 12:00 both times)