Paul Clifton (UK)
Copacabana - Barry Manilow
½ VINE RIGHT, KICK BALL CROSS, MODIFIED MONTEREY ½ TURN (MAMBO STEPS)1-2Step right to right side & slightly forward, slide left behind right, popping right knee forward3&4Flick kick right leg forward, step slightly back on ball of right, cross step left over right5&6Step & rock right to right side, pivot ½ turn right on ball of left, step right next to left7&8Step & rock left to left side, rock weight back to right, step left next to right (with weight)STEP LOCK, STEP SLIDE, STEP ROCK FORWARD & BACK, SCOOT BACK TWICE (SKIPS) During counts 1-4 body is angled slightly right1-2Step right to right side toe angled right, slide left behind right in lock position left toe also angled right3-4Step right small step right, slide left behind right, step small step right5-6Rock step left forward (body is now facing back wall), recover back onto right&7Scoot back on ball of right, step back on left&8Scoot back on ball of left, step back on rightCOASTER STEP, RIGHT LOCK STEP, LEFT LOCK STEP, FORWARD PRISSY WALKS1&2Step back on left foot, step right next to left, step forward on left3&4Step right forward & across left, lock left behind right, step right forward & across left5&6Step left forward & across right, lock right behind left, step left forward & across right7&8Step right forward & across left angling body left, step left forward across right angling body right The styling for 7&8 is to twist the body left to right preparing for the cross rock step below. Also these are quite strong steps (but not stomps)CROSS ROCK STEP, TRIPLE ¾ TURN, CROSS ROCK STEP, COASTER CROSS1-2Cross rock right over left, recover back onto left3&4Triple ¾ turn over right shoulder stepping right, left, right5-6Cross rock left over right, recover back onto right7&8Step back on left, step right next to left, cross step left over rightREPEAT