Como Se Dice (I Love You) (L/P)
Intermediate line/partner dance
Johnny S. (UK)
Como Se Dice (I Love You) - Sweethearts of the Rodeo
A dance for Christine Use Cuban hip movement throughout the dance.ROCK-RECOVER, TRIPLE STEPS TWICE1-2-3&4Rock left foot forward, recover weight onto right foot, triple-step on the spot left, right, left5-6-7&8Rock right foot back, recover weight onto left foot, triple-step on the spot right, left, rightROCK-RECOVER, CROSS SHUFFLE, ROCK-RECOVER, ¼ TURN RIGHT & SHUFFLE FORWARD1-2-3&4Rock left foot to left side, recover weight onto right foot, cross left foot over right foot and shuffle to right on left, right, left5-6-7&8Rock right foot to right side, recover weight onto left foot, raise right foot make ¼ turn right and shuffle forward on right, left, rightROCK-RECOVER, TRIPLE ½ TURN TWICE1-2-3&4Rock left foot forward, recover weight onto right foot, triple ½ turn left on left, right, left5-6-7&8Rock right foot forward, recover weight onto left foot, triple ½ turn right on right, left, rightSTEP-PIVOT ½ TURN RIGHT, TRIPLE ¼ TURN RIGHT, ROCK-STEP WITH ¼ TURN RIGHT, TRIPLE ½ TURN LEFT1-2Step left foot forward, pivot ½ turn right3&4Triple-step ¼ turn right left, right, left5-6Rock right foot back - at same time making ¼ turn right, recover weight onto left foot7&8Triple ½ turn left on right, left, rightROCK-RECOVER, LEFT & RIGHT FORWARD SHUFFLES, ROCK-STEP WITH ¼ TURN RIGHT, RECOVER1-2Rock left foot back, recover weight onto right foot3&4-5&6Shuffle forward left, right, left, shuffle forward right, left, right7-8On ball of right foot make ¼ turn right - while stepping back on left foot, recover weight onto right footSTEP-PIVOT ½ TURN RIGHT, FORWARD SHUFFLE, STEP-PIVOT ½ TURN LEFT, FORWARD SHUFFLE1-2-3&4Step left foot forward, pivot ½ turn right, shuffle forward left, right, left5-6-7&8Step right foot forward, pivot ½ turn left, shuffle forward right, left, right¼ TURN LEFT WITH ROCK-RECOVER1-2On ball of right foot make ¼ turn left and rock left foot forward, recover weight onto right footREPEATTAG After the second sequence, (danced once only facing the back wall)ROCK-RECOVER & STEP, HIP SHAKES TWICE1-2-3&4Rock left foot forward, recover weigh onto right foot, step left foot beside right foot while shaking hips left, right, left5-6-7&8Rock right foot back, recover weight onto left foot, step right foot beside left foot while shaking hips right, left, rightLEFT & RIGHT-SIDE MAMBO ROCKS WITH HOLDS1-4Rock left foot out to left, recover weight onto right foot, step left foot beside right foot, hold5-8Rock right foot out to right, recover weight onto left foot, step right foot beside left foot, hold Also; the end of the 4th sequence is the last time to include the ¼ turn left with rock/recover steps (counts 49-50). From there on just repeat the dance from counts 1-48 For contra or partner-line dance, leave out ¼ turn left completely on count 49. Just dance rock left foot forward, recover weight onto right foot, and start again from count 1.