Country Jammin'
Bev Kerins (USA)
That's As Close As I Get To Lovin' You - Aaron Tippin
ROCK TOUCHES WITH STEP-HOLDS, TWO 1/8 TURNS LEFT, COASTER STEP1&With weight on left, rock-touch right foot to right side; shift weight to left2&Step right forward directly in front of left; hold position3&With weight on right, rock-touch left foot to left side; shift weight to right4&Step left forward directly in front of right; hold position5&With weight on left, rock-touch right foot to right side pivoting 1/8 turn left on ball of left foot; shift weight fully to left foot6&With weight on left, rock-touch right foot to right side pivoting 1/8 turn left on ball of left foot7&8Step right foot back; step left beside right; step left foot forwardLEFT MOVING SIDE STEPS; DOUBLE TIME ROCK-STEPS; STEP, KICK, HITCH9-10Step left foot to left side; step right beside left11-12Step left foot to left side; touch right beside left13&Rock-step back on ball of right foot; rock-step in place on ball of left14&Rock-step forward onto ball of right foot; rock-step in place on ball of left15&16Step right beside left; kick left foot slightly forward; lift (hitch) left knee slightly upSTEP-TOGETHER; STEP-TOGETHER-STEP; KNEE LIFT; DOUBLE TIME HIP ROCKS17-18With body & right foot facing 2:00 & left foot facing 12:00, step left foot forward; slide ball of right to heel of left while bending left knee & raising left heel19&20Step left forward; slide ball of right to heel of left foot; step left forward21-22With body facing 12:00, step right foot back; lift left knee slightly23&24Keeping weight over right foot, pivot so body faces 11:00 & place ball of left foot shoulder width apart from right foot rocking left hip back; rock right hip forward to centerLEFT HIP CIRCLES, HOLD, KICK-ROCK-STEP25-26Keeping weight over right foot, with ball of left still back, move left hip in a left-to-right circular motion to grind left hip back; grind right hip forward to center27-28Grind left hip back; grind right hip forward to center29-30Shift weight to left by dropping left heel and raising right heel; hold position31&32Kick right foot forward; rock-step back on ball of right; step left in placeREPEAT