Crying Heart
Intermediate nightclub
Kirsi-Marja Vinberg (FIN)
You Caught Me At a Bad Time - Toby Keith
MODIFIED BASIC, STEP TO SIDE, CROSS UNWIND FULL TURN RIGHT, SWAYS, ½ CROSS AND TURN RIGHT, SWEEP1-2&Step left to side, step right little cross left, change weight back to the left foot/ rock step back3-4&Step right to side, step left foot across right foot (big step), turn around, step to the right foot5-6Sway hips to left, to right7-8&Step left foot across right (big step), turn to right and step to the right foot, sweep left toe from back to frontDIAGONAL LUNGE (1-3), STEP TO SIDE, CROSS STEP, PRESS STEP, SWEEP, COASTER STEP WITH ¼ TURN LEFT1-3Step left little across right (19:00), hold, step to the right foot4&Step left to side, right across left foot (17:00)5-6Press left foot forward (17:00), step to the right foot&7&8Slide left foot from front to back, step left foot back, right together, turn ¼ to left and step left forward (12:00)TURNS TO LEFT, ROCK STEP FORWARD, COASTER STEP BACK WITH NIGHT CLUB RHYTHM1-2Turn left around with two steps (right left) moving forward3&4Do another full turn to left moving forward with three steps and stepping the second step together, 3rd step forward (12:00) (right left right) You can also step 1-2-3&4 forward with no turns, 3&4 is shuffle step5-6Step left forward, right in place7-8&Step left back, right together, left forward (little step)COASTER STEP FORWARD WITH NIGHT CLUB RHYTHM, STEP DIAGONALLY LEFT BACK, CROSS, BACK, BACK, TURN ¼ RIGHT, STEP, CROSS ROCK STEP1-2&Step right forward, left together, step right back (little step)3-4&Step left diagonally back left, step right across left, step left back5-6Step right back, left back and turn ¼ right (17:00) Steps 3-4&5-6 are going to same direction7-8&Step right forward (17:00), step left across right, step right in placeREPEATTAG After 3rd wall when using "You Caught Me At A Bad Time" by Toby Keith SWAYS, BASIC WITH TURN, SWAYS, BASIC WITH TURN1-2Step left foot to side and sway hips to left, sway hips to right3-4&Sway hips to left, rock right foot back, step left in place and turn ¼ left5-6Step right to side and sway hips to right, to left7-8&Sway hips to right, rock left foot across right, step left in place and turn ¼ leftSWAYS, BASIC WITH ½ TURN LEFT, SWAYS, STEP TO SIDE, CROSS ROCK STEP1-2Step left to side and sway hips to left, sway hips to right3-4&Sway hips to left, rock right foot back, left in place and turn ½ left5-6Step right to side and sway hips to right, to left7-8&Step right to side, step left across right, step right in place