Dancing Country
Charla Smith
Ten Feet Tall and Bulletproof - Travis Tritt
HEEL SPLITS, SEP-SLIDE, KICK-BALL-CHANGE1-2With weight on balls of both feet, swivel heels apart; return heels to center3-4With weight on balls of both feet, swivel heels apart; return heels to center5-6Step right foot forward; slide left foot to right, changing weight to left7&8Kick right foot forward; step on ball of right; step on left.RIGHT AND LEFT STEP-TOUCHES, MONTEREY TURN9-10Step right foot to right side; touch left toe beside right foot11-12Step left foot to left side; touch right toe beside left foot13-14Touch right toe to right side; pivot ½ turn right on ball of left foot, stepping on right foot beside left15-16Touch left toe to left side; step left foot beside right.RIGHT AND LEFT GRAPEVINES WITH STOMPS17-18Step right foot to right side; cross-step left behind right19-20Step right foot to right side; stomp left foot beside right21-22Step left foot to left side; cross-step right behind left23-24Step left foot to left side; stomp right foot beside left.RIGHT STEP-SLIDE-STEP-TOUCH; LEFT STEP-SLIDE-STEP-TOUCH25-26Step right foot to right side; slide left foot beside right shifting weight to left27-28Step right foot to right side; touch left toe beside right foot29-30Step left foot to left side; slide right foot beside left shifting weight to right31-32Step left foot to left side; touch right toe beside left foot.SYNCOPATED CROSS, VINE RIGHT, SYNCOPATED CROSS, VINE LEFT&33-34Step ball of right behind left foot; cross-step left over right; step right to right side35-36Cross-step left foot behind right; step right foot to right side&37-38Step ball of left behind right; cross-step right over left; step left foot to left side39-40Cross-step right behind left; step left foot to left side.RIGHT TOE TOUCHES, STOMP, WALKS BACKWARD, STOMP41-42Touch right toe forward; touch right toe to right side43-44Touch right toe back; stomp right foot beside left45-46Step right foot back; step left foot back47-48Step right foot back; stomp left foot beside right.REPEAT