Dance With Me
Errol Colomb (UK)
Dance With Me - Orleans
HEEL TAP, BRUSH-UP, HEEL TAP, ROCK STEPS TWICE, CROSS STEP1-4Tap left heel forward, brush-up left foot to right knee, tap left heel forward, step left beside right5-6Rock step right to right side, rock replace weight onto left7&8Rock step right to right side, replace weight on left, cross step right over leftVINE LEFT WITH ¾ TURN LEFT, STEP BACK, COASTER STEP1-3Step left to left side, step right behind left, step left to left with ¼ turn left4-6Step right to right side with ¼ turn left, step left behind right with ¼ turn left, step right straight back7&8Step left back, step right beside left, step left forwardTRAVELING FORWARD (FULL TURN) RIGHT, WALK, WALK, KICK BALL CHANGE1-2Step right forward with ¼ turn right, step left to left with ¼ turn right3-4Step right to right with ¼ turn right, step left over right with ¼ turn right5-6Walk-step forward right, walk-step forward left7&8Kick right foot forward, step right on ball of foot beside left, step left beside rightTURNING-VINE TO RIGHT (FULL TURN), STEP, TAP, KICK BALL CHANGE1-2Step right to right with ¼ turn right, step left to left side with ¼ turn right3-4Step right to right with ½ turn right, cross step left over right5-6Step right to right side, tap left foot beside right7&8Kick left foot forward, step on ball of left beside right, step right beside leftREPEATOPTION In the 3rd group of 8 counts, for counts 1 to 6 two full turns right can be substituted with step 6 ending, left slightly forward. As this is an option it could be introduced on the 2nd, 4th, 6th wall and so on, for every alternate wall - therefore it does not become the dance but an additional option