Dance All Night
Sobrielo Philip Gene (SG)
All Nite (Don't Stop) - Janet Jackson
SCUFF STEP STEP, HAND PUNCHES, HIP BUMPS, PADDLE POINT ¼ TURN, ½ TURN STEP1&2Scuff right forward, step right slightly to right, step left slightly to left3Legs stay apart (punch right hands down in between of legs)&Legs still apart (punch left hands down in between of legs)4Jump and close feet together and hands bring up toward chest level fist clenched and elbows bend and up at chest level5Hip bump left (hands up fist clenched at face level and elbows bend punching right up and elbowing left down),&Hip bump right (hands still at face level and elbows bend punch left up and right elbowing down)6-Hip bump left (hands still at face level and elbows bend punch right up elbowing left down)7&8Make ¼ turn left pointing right to right, hitch right and turn ½ turn left, step right down to right, (feet apart)HANDS MOVEMENTS, SITTING POSITION, SIDE BODY ROLL COMING UP, MOVING SHOULDER POPS Doing this next 8 feet are always apart1Touch right onto left shoulder and touch left onto right shoulder (hands cross right over left)&Touch right onto right shoulder and touch left onto left shoulder2Bending knees onto sitting position and slap hands onto respective laps3-4Do a side body roll to the right slowly coming up half way, do another side body roll to the left fully standing up (weight on the left)5&6&7&8Doing shoulder pops slowly transferring weight and body from left to right(starting with right shoulder pop up and left down on count 5)TOE SWITCHES WITH ¼ TURN KICK, STEP, POINT ½ TURN, PADDLE POINT ¼ TURN&1Step left beside right, point right to far right, (left leg slightly bend and pressing right hand down in between legs with palm facing down)&2Step right beside left, point left to far left, (right leg slightly bend and pressing left hand down in between legs with palm facing down)&3-4Making ¼ turn left step left beside right, point right back, kick right forward&5-6Step right beside left, point left back, turn ½ turn left and transfer weight onto left (snap fingers)7&8Making ¼ turn left point right to right, hitch right and turn ¼ turn left, point right to rightCROSS AND HEEL MOVING FORWARD, CROSS, CLAP, UNWIND BOUNCE ½ TURN1&2Step right forward crossing over left, step back on left, dig right heel forward&Step right forward and down3&4Step left forward crossing over right, step back on right, dig left heel forward&5-6Step left forward, cross right over left, clap hands7-8Unwind ½ turn left with two bounce (weight on left)ROLL HANDS, PUNCH DOWN, TOUCH HITCH TOUCH, MAMBO ¼ TURN1&Roll hands at chest level (like Saturday Night Fever)2While bending body a little forward, touch right behind left and punch right across and in front to left side3&Step right down and roll hands at chest level (like Saturday Night Fever)4While bending body a little forward, touch left behind right and punch left across and in front to right side5&6Point left to left, hitch left behind of right and using right hand slap left leg, touch left beside right7&8Rock left to left, making ¼ turn left replace weight onto right, step left beside right (weight on both feet)JUMP JACK, SIDE BODY ROLL STEP, HAND MOVEMENT, CLOSE FEET1&2Jump and open feet apart, jump and close feet together, jump and open feet apart, (weight on left)3&4Side body roll to the left, step right beside left, step left to left5&6Side body roll to the left, step right beside left, step left to left7&Punch right hand forward to left side, punch left hand forward to right across right hand8Jump and close feet together (hands bring towards chest level right cross over left fist clenched) When starting the dance of counts 1&2 hands should be at the position of count 8REPEAT This dance is dedicated to two friends for mine Yang Wei Zhen and his girl friend Sim Shin Hui Lois for helping me to get this album. And to tell them not to worry as long as I am around