Cuban Pete Cha
Phrased Intermediate / Advanced
Forty Arroyo (USA)
Cuban Pete - Mambo Kings
Sequence: A, A*, B, B, A, B, B, A** - a perfect endingPART A STEP, ROCK, STEP, TRIPLE ¼ RIGHT, ROCK RECOVER, CROSS, STEP ¼ LEFT, STEP LEFT123Step left to side, rock back on right, step left in place4&5Step side right, step left next to right, step right turning ¼ to left6-7Rock side left, recover on right8&1Cross left over right, step back on right turning ¼ to left (now at 12:00), step left to sideROCK, RECOVER, FULL TURN TRIPLE RIGHT, ROCK, RECOVER, CROSS2-3-4&5Cross rock right over left, step left in place, triple full turn to right - right, left, right6-7-8Rock side left, recover on right, cross left over right (still at 12:00)STEP, WEAVE, STEP, WEAVE, STEP, LEFT SAILOR1-2&3Step right to side, cross left behind right, step right to side, cross left in front4-5&6Step right to side, cross left behind right, step right to side, cross left in front7Step right to side8&1Step left behind right, step right to side, step left to side (still at 12:00)WEAVE WITH ¼ LEFT, WALK, WALK, TURNING CHASSE ¾ RIGHT2&3Cross right behind left, step forward left turning ¼ left, step forward right4Step forward on left (now at 9:00)5&6&7&Traveling to the right slightly forward and to right and turning ¾ to right (step right, slide ball of left next to right, repeat for 6&, 7&, chasse' right-left-right-left-right-left) You should end up pretty much in the same spot facing opposite direction8Step right in place (end at 6:00)PART A* On your second "A" only, you will replace the last 5 counts (walk, walk, turning chasse ¾ right - 4,5&6&7&8) with:4Turning ¼ turn to right - step left to left side5Pivoting on left - make ½ turn spiral to right (end with weight on left and right crossed over left touching right toes to floor)6-7Slowly sweep right to right (in a semi-circle moving from left to right)8Step right slightly to right (end at 12:00)PART B ROCK, RECOVER, STEP TOUCH - 3X, ROCK, RECOVER1-2&3Rock side left, recover on right, quick step left next to right, touch right next to left4-5&6Rock side right, recover on left, quick step right next to left, touch left next to right7-8&1Rock side left, recover on right, quick step left next to right, touch right next to leftROCK, RECOVER, CROSSING TRIPLE, ¼ STEP, ½ TURN, TRIPLE FORWARD2-3Rock side right, recover on left4&5Cross right over left, step left slightly to left, cross right over left6-7Step forward on left turning ¼ left, pivot ½ turn to right (now at 3:00)8&1Step forward on left, step ball of right behind left heel, step forward on left pushing off on rightSTEP, ¼ STEP, WEAVE ½ RIGHT, STEP, TOUCH IN -OUT, CROSSING TRIPLE2-3Step forward right, step slightly forward on left turning ¼ to right&4&Turning ½ to right -cross right behind left, step left to side, cross right over left (now at 12:00)5-6-7Step left to side, touch right next to left-bringing right knee in, touch right to side8&1Cross right over left, step left slightly to side, cross right over leftROCK RECOVER (3 X), BALL STEP, ROCK, RECOVER, TOUCH&2&3Rock left to side, step right in place, rock back on left, step right in place&4&5Rock left to side, step right in place, step left next to right on ball of left, step forward on right6-7-8Rock forward on left, recover on right, touch left next (option: or hold on 8)THE PERFECT ENDING On your last "A" (end of dance) you may want to replace the last 5 counts (5&6&7&8) with:5Step slightly forward on right into ¼ turn right to 6:006-7Pivoting on right - sweep left around in front of right into a ½ right, touch left to side8Touch left over right - bending left knee