Cuban Motion
Nancy Morgan (USA)
Let's Get Loud - Jennifer Lopez
RIGHT SIDE ROCK, CHA-CHA IN PLACE, LEFT SIDE ROCK, CHA-CHA IN PLACE1-2Step right out to right side shifting weight to right then back to left3&4Step in place, right, left, right (use Cuban motion in hips)5-6Step left out to left side shifting weight to left then back to right7&8Step in place, left, right, left (use Cuban motion in hips)FORWARD ROCK SHUFFLE BACK, BACK ROCK, SHUFFLE FORWARD1-2Step forward on your right shifting weight to right and back to left3&4Step back right, put left next to right, step back on your right5-6Step back on your left shifting weight to left and back to right7&8Step forward on your left, put right next to left, step forward on your leftSTEP FORWARD, HALF TURN, SHUFFLE FORWARD, STEP FORWARD, HALF TURN, SHUFFLE FORWARD1-2Step forward on your right, pivot ½ turn on your left3&4Step forward on your right, put left next to right, step forward on your right5-6Step forward on your left, pivot ½ turn on your right7&8Step forward on your left, put right next to left, step forward on your leftVINE RIGHT AND CROSS, STEP, 2 SAILORS, VINE LEFT AND CROSS, STEP, 2 SAILORS1-2&3-4Step forward on your right, step left behind right, quickly step back on right and cross left over right, step right to right side5&6&7-8Step left behind right, step right to right side, step left foot forward, step right behind left, step left to left side, step right foot forward1-2&3-4Step forward on your left, step right behind left, quickly step back on left and cross right over left, step left to left side5&6&7-8Step right behind left, step left to left side, step right foot forward, step left behind right, step right to right side, step left foot forwardFORWARD ROCK, HALF TURN SHUFFLE, FORWARD ROCK, THREE-QUARTER TURN SHUFFLE1-2Step forward on your right shifting weight to right and back to left3&4Turning a half turn to your right, shuffle forward, right, left, right5-6Step forward on your left shifting weight to left and back to right7&8Turning a ¾ turn to your left, shuffle forward, left, right, leftREPEAT