CT Girl (Cheap Trick Girl)
Maggie Gallagher (UK)
Cheap Trick Kinda Girl (Radio Edit) - Infernal
DIAGONAL ROCK, RECOVER, CROSS, ¼ LEFT, STEP, ROCK, RECOVER, FULL TRIPLE LEFT1-2Rock forward on a right diagonal, recover onto left3&4Cross right behind left, turn ¼ left and step forward on left, step forward on right5-6Rock forward on left, recover back onto right7&8Make triple full turn left stepping left, right, leftROCK, RECOVER, CROSS, ¼ LEFT, STEP, HIP BUMPS1-2Rock forward on a right diagonal, recover onto left3&4Cross right behind left, turn ¼ left and step forward on left, step forward on right5-6Step forward on left bumping hips forward, bump hips back on right7&8Bump hips forward on left, bump hips back on right, bump hips forward on leftRIGHT WIZARD, LEFT WIZARD, HEEL SWITCHES, SIDE POINT SWITCHES1-2&Step right forward on a right diagonal, lock left behind right, step forward on right3-4&Step left forward on a left diagonal, lock right behind left, step forward on left5&6&Tap right heel forward, step right beside left, tap left heel forward, step left beside right7&8Point right to right side, step right next to left, point left to left side¼ SWIVEL LEFT, LEFT HITCH, LEFT COASTER, RIGHT HITCH, ¼ RIGHT, RIGHT COASTER1-2Turn ¼ left (keeping weight on right), hitch left knee up3&4Step back on left, step right next to left, step forward on left5-6Hitch right knee up, make ¼ turn right (keeping knee raised)7&8Step back on right, step left next to right, step forward on rightSTEP, ½ PIVOT RIGHT, LEFT LOCK, WALKS FORWARD, RIGHT ANCHOR1-2Step forward on left, turn ½ right (weight to right)3&4Step forward on left, lock right behind left, step forward on left5-6Walk forward right, walk forward left7&8Cross right foot behind left taking weight onto it, recover weight onto left, step back on rightBACK POINT, ¾ LEFT, RIGHT SIDE CHASSE, LEFT SAILOR, RIGHT SAILOR1-2Point left back, spiral turn ¾ turn left3&4Step right to right side, close left beside right, step right to right side5&6Cross left behind right, step right beside left, step left to left side7&8Cross right behind left, step left beside right, step right to right sideLEFT TOUCH, HOLD, ¼ LEFT, TOUCH, HOLD, PLACE RIGHT, TOUCH, HOLD, ¼ LEFT, TOUCH HOLD1-2Touch left next to right, hold&3-4Turn ¼ left and step left together, touch right next to left, hold During wall 2, this is where the 4 count tag is danced&5-6Step weight onto right, touch left next to right, hold&7-8Turn ¼ left and step onto left, touch right next to left, holdBALL BACK, WALKS FORWARD, STEP, ½ PIVOT RIGHT, ¼ RIGHT WITH SIDE ROCK, RECOVER, BEHIND, SIDE, CROSS&1-2Step back onto ball of right foot, walk forward left, walk forward right3-4Step forward left, turn ½ right (weight to right)5-6Turn ¼ right and rock left foot to side, recover onto right side7&8Cross left behind right, step right to right side, cross left over rightREPEATTAG During wall 2, after 52 counts, you perform this simple 4 count tag. (you will be facing the back wall)1-2Step right to right side bumping hips right, bump hips left3-4Bump hips right, bump hips left Now restart the dance from the beginning