Dee Jay's Cha
Donna Lawrie (UK) & Julie Grayam
Brown Eyed Girl - The Cheap Seats
SYNCOPATED ROCK STEPS, ROCK STEP, TURNING TRIPLE STEP1Rock forward on the right foot&Step back onto the left foot2Step the right foot next to the left3Rock back on the left foot&Step forward onto the right foot4Step the left foot next to the right5Rock forward on the right foot (angle body 45 degrees to the left)6Step back onto the left foot7Step right to right side turning ¼ right&Step the left foot next to right8Step right to right sideROCK STEP, TRIPLE STEP, ROCK STEP, POSE9Rock forward on the left foot (angle body 45 degrees to the right)10Step back onto the right foot11Step left to left side&Step the right foot next to left12Step left to left side13Rock back on the right foot (angle body 45 degrees to the right)14Step forward onto the left foot15Step right to right side, pose (extend arms to sides with palms down)16Hold poseSYNCOPATED VINE ROCK STEP TURNING TRIPLE STEP17Cross left behind right&Step right to right side18Cross left over right&Step right to right side19Cross left behind right&Step right to right side20Cross left over right21Rock right to right side22Recover weight onto the left foot23Step forward right foot turning ¼ left&Step the left foot next to right24Step forward on the right footFULL TURN, TRIPLE STEP ROCK STEP, TURNING TRIPLE STEP25Step forward on the left foot26Pivot a full turn left hitching the right foot27Step forward on the right foot&Step left next to right28Step forward on the right foot29Rock forward on the left foot (angle body 45 degrees to the right)30Step back onto the right foot31Step left to left side turning ¼ left&Step the right foot next to left32Step left to left sideREPEAT