Don't You Dare
The Finleys (USA)
Drink, Swear, Steal & Lie - Michael Peterson
Sequence: ABC(basic)-ABC(second)-BC(basic) Dance should begin the count before the lyrics begins. The starting point will feel quite natural.SECTION A: THE VERSE VINE LEFT WITH BRUSH, VINE RIGHT WITH BRUSH:1-4Vine left with brush (step left, cross behind right, step left, brush)5-8Vine right with brush (step right, cross behind left, step right, brush)TRIPLE STEP FORWARD, STEP BACK WITH BRUSH:9-12Triple step forward, left, &right, left, right, &left, right13-16Step back left, right. Left, brush rightJAZZ BOX WITH ¼ TURN AND BRUSH17-20Right lead jazz box with ¼ turn and brush, step right over left, step back on left foot, step back on right foot turning a ¼ turn to the left, brush with left footREPEAT THREE MORE TIMES:21-80Repeat steps 1-20 three times (through four walls) Step 80 is a step (i.e. A weight change) not a brush, with right foot available, preparing for the chorus You will now have completed the four ¼ turns to the left, and be facing the original wall.SECTION B: THE CHORUS: SHUFFLE STEPS RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT:1-2Shuffle right, &left, right (turning slightly to right)3-4Shuffle left, &right, left (turning slightly to left)5-8Repeat steps 1-4CROSS, SAILOR SHUFFLES (LEFT AND RIGHT):9-12Cross right over left, step with left to left. Cross right behind left, &step left next to right, step right foot forward.13-16Cross left over right, step with right to right. Cross left behind right, &step right next to left, step left foot forward. These steps will move the dancer slightly left, and then slightly right (back to starting position)MORE SHUFFLES:17-24Repeat steps 1-8STEP AND CLAP, STEP25-28Step forward right, left, right, kick left (and clap)29-32Step backwards left, right, left, touch right (weight on left)SECTION C: THE BRIDGE: BASIC C: STEP TURN, KICK-BALL CHANGE (¼ TURNS)25-26Step forward on right, pivot ¼ turn to the left to next wall27-32Repeat steps 25-26 three times (to pivot to all walls)33-34Kick-ball-touch starting with right (left touch, preparing for verse) You will turn four walls, returning to original position, and finish with kick-ball-touch ready to start the verse)SECOND: STEP TURN, KICK-BALL CHANGE (½ TURNS)25-26Step forward on right, pivot ½ turn to the left27-30Repeat steps 25-2631-32Kick-ball-change starting with right, preparing for chorus again (which starts with right) You will turn a full turn (two ½ turns), returning to original position, and finish with kick-ball-change, ready for chorus again)