Electric Slide (Walker)
Wartan Jemian (USA) & Deloris Reynolds
Chattahoochee - Alan Jackson
SWAY VINE RIGHT, LEFT Begin with weight on the left foot1-2Step right to side, slide/step left together3-4Step right to side, slide/touch left together5-6Step left to side, slide/step right together7-8Step left to side, slide/touch right togetherMARCH BACK1-4Step right back, step left back, step right back, touch left togetherSWAY ROCK LEFT DIAGONAL1-2Step left diagonally forward, slide/touch right together3-4Step left back, slide/touch right togetherSTEP KICK1-2Step left to side, turn ¼ left and kick right forwardREPEAT This can be danced by persons who feel they must use walkers. The tempo and movements are planned to allow easy manipulation of a walker, with or without wheels. Experience indicates that most dancers find the ability to dance without their walkers once they become accustomed to the steps.