Feels Like Love
Gloria Bracegirdle (AUS) & Karen D. Jones (AUS)
Evergreen - Westlife
STEP, ROCK, SIDE CHASSE, ROCK, ROCK, SIDE CHASSE1-2Step right to right side, rock onto left in place3&4Step right to right side, close left next to right, step right to right side5-6Rock left to left side, rock onto right in place7&8Step left to left side, close right next to left, step left to left side Pushing hips to side on rocksSTEP, BACK ROCK, FORWARD CHASSE, BACK ROCK, FORWARD ROCK, BACK LOCK TRIPLE1-2Step right forward, rock onto left in place3&4Step right forward, close left next to right, step right forward5-6Rock back onto left in place, rock forward onto right in place7&8Step back onto left, step right back diagonally across left, step back onto left Angling body slightly while pushing hips forward and back on rocksBACK SWEEP X 3, FORWARD ROCK, BACK, ½ TURN, FULL TURNING TRIPLE1-2Sweep right toe out to side and around to back, sweep left toe out to side and around to back3Sweep right toe out to side and around to back4Rock forward onto left in place5-6Step right back, stepping forward on left turn ½ left7&8(Traveling forward over left shoulder) full turn left, stepping right, left, rightFORWARD DIAGONAL, TOUCH, FORWARD COASTER, BACK DIAGONAL, TOUCH, FULL TURNING TRIPLE1-2Step left forward to 45 degrees, touch right next to left3&4Step right forward, step left next to right, step right back5-6Step left back to 45 degrees, touch right next to left7&8(Traveling right over right shoulder) full turn right, stepping right, left, rightSTEP, ROCK, SIDE, TOGETHER, BACK, STEP, ROCK, 1¼ TURNING TRIPLE CLOSE LEFT1-2Step left to left side, rock onto right in place3&4Step left to side, step right beside left, step back on left5-6Step right to right side, rock onto left in place7&8(Traveling right over right shoulder) 1¼ turn right, stepping right, left, right&Close left next to right (weight on left) Pushing hips to side on rocksREPEATRESTART During the 5th wall the music will slow and pause. On wall 5 do the dance as normal until count 19 (3rd sweep), then add an "&" count stepping left back next to right (taking weight on left). Restart dance on the word "moment". You will be facing the front wall On wall 7 do the dance as normal until count 32 (full turning triple) then add an "&" count stepping left next to right (weight on left). Restart dance facing back wallDANCE FINISH To finish to front wall, dance first 7& steps (3:00 wall), turning ¼ left (12:00 wall) on count 8 stepping forward on left