Feel The Beat
Little Lynne B (UK)
Sequence: AAA B AAA B AA BPART A TOE STRUTS FORWARD X 41Step right toe forward2Drop right heel taking weight3Step left toe forward4Drop left heel taking weight5-8Repeat counts 1-4WALKS BACK AND FORWARD9Walk back right10Walk back left11Walk back right12Dig left heel forward13Walk forward left14Walk forward right15Walk forward left16Stomp rightSTEP AND STOMPS X 417Step right to right side18Stomp left beside right19Step left to left side20Stomp right beside left21Step forward right22Stomp left beside right23Step left back24Stomp right beside left, keeping weight on leftCROSS ROCK, ¾ TURN, ROCKS FORWARD & BACK, HALF TURN & TOUCH25Cross rock right over left26Step back on left27Step onto right making ¼ turn right&Step back on left making ¼ turn right28Step forward right making ¼ turn right29Rock forward on left30Step back on right31Pivot ½ turn left putting weight on left32Touch right toe beside leftPART A TAG Add 4 extra counts to the end of the 8th and last repeat of Part A as follows:1Rock forward right2Step back left3Step on to right making ½ turn right4Step togetherPART B SIDE STEPS & CLAPS, STOMPS & CLAPS1Hold2Hold (optional - hold hands at shoulder height palms facing upwards)3Step right to right side (on the word 'body')4Step left beside right5Step right to right side&Touch left beside right with clap6Hold & clap7Step left to left side8Step right beside left9Step left to left side&Touch right beside left with clap10Hold & clap11Walk right12Walk left13Stomp right14Stomp left15Stomp right&Hold & clap16Hold & clapSIDE STEPS & CLAPS17Step right to right side18Step left beside right19Step right to right side&Touch left toe beside right & clap20Hold & clap21Step left to left side22Step right beside left23Step left to left side&Touch right toe beside left & clap24Hold & clapWALK, SWIVELS & STOMPS25Step right forward26Step left beside right27Swivel heels right28Swivel heels left Counts 27 & 28 may be replaced by applejacks29Stomp right30Stomp left31Stomp right&Hold & clap32Clap