Fallin' In Love
I Wish That I Could Fall In Love Today - Barbara Mandrell
RIGHT STRUT CLAP, LEFT STRUT CLAP, SHUFFLE, SHUFFLE1-2Step right heel forward, slap right toe to the floor take weight on right clap hands3-4Step left heel forward, slap left toe to the floor take weight on left clap hands5-6Shuffle forward: right, left, right7-8Shuffle forward: left, right, leftFORWARD, ½ TURN LEFT, JUMP SLAP, JUMP SLAP, HEEL TOE1-2Step right forward, turn ½ left take weight on left&3-4Jump slightly forward on right to right, step left foot to left, slap front of thighs&56Jump slightly forward on right to right, step left foot to left, slap front of thighs7-8Right heel forward diagonally, touch right toe across to left side of left footFORWARD, TOUCH, BACK, SLAP KNEE, BACK, STOMP, SHUFFLE1-2Step forward on right, lift left leg behind right touch left heel with right hand3-4Step back onto left foot, lift right knee and slap with right hand5-6Step back onto right foot, stomp left foot (knees slightly bent, keep weight on right foot)7-8Shuffle forward: left, right, leftVINE RIGHT VINE LEFT TURNING ¼ LEFT1-2Step right to right, step left behind right3-4Step right to right, scuff left forward56Step left to left, step right behind left7-8Step left to left while turning ¼, scuff right forwardREPEAT