Float And Fly
Lisa Andersson (SWE)
Straighten Up and Fly Right - Robbie Williams
TOE STRUT, SIDE STEP LEAN, TOE STRUT, SIDE STEP LEAN1-2Touch left toe over right, step down left heel. (weight on left)3-4Step right foot to right side and lean upper body diagonally to the left, while putting left toe up (left heel is touching the floor in the same place as before. All the weight on right, left is only for balance.)5-6Touch left toe over right, step down left heel. (weight on left)7-8Step right foot to right side and lean upper body diagonally to the left, while putting left toe up (left heel is touching the floor in the same place as before. All the weight on right, left is only for balance.)ROCK, CROSS, STEP, KICK, STEP, CROSS, TURN ¼, SPIRAL TURN ½1-2Rock the weight onto left foot, cross right foot over left3-4Step left foot to left side, kick right foot diagonally forward to right5-6Step right foot to right side, cross left foot over right7-8Step right foot to right side wile turning ¼ left, turn ½ left and hook your left foot in front of your kneeSTEP, TOGETHER, STEP, KICK, TOE STRUT TURN ¼, TOE STRUT TURN ½1-2Step left forward, step right together3-4Step left forward, kick right foot forward5-6Turn ¼ right while pointing your right toe to right side, put weight on right7-8Turn ½ right while pointing your left toe to left side, put weight on leftSIDE BEHIND, ¼ TURN, FORWARD, ½ TURN, DIAGONAL FORWARD, LOCK RIGHT, SWEEP1-2Step right foot behind left, turn ¼ left and step left foot forward3-4Step right foot forward, turn ½ left wile shifting weight onto left foot5-6Step right foot diagonally forward, lock left foot behind right7-8Step forward on right foot, sweep left foot in a half circle from the back to the frontREPEAT