First Love
Ian Grey (UK)
Love At First Dance - Ronnie McDowell
STEP, TOUCH, STEP TOUCH. ROCK FORWARD, BACK, BACK, FORWARD1-2Step left forward (diagonally to left), touch right next to left3-4Step right forward (diagonally to right), step left next to right5-6Rock forward on right, rock back on left7-8Rock back on right, rock forward on leftSTEP, PIVOT ½ TURN, STEP, PIVOT ¼ TURN9-10Step forward on right, pivot half turn to left11-12Step forward on right, pivot quarter turn to leftSHIMMY TWICE13-16Step right diagonally forward to right, close left to right over 3 beats with a shimmy17-20Step left diagonally forward to left, close right to left over 3 beats with a shimmyBACKWARDS TOE STRUTS WITH FINGER SNAPS ON EVEN BEATS21-22Touch right toe backwards, lower heel raising right hand and snapping fingers23-24Touch left toe backwards, lower heel raising left hand and snapping fingers25-26Touch right toe backwards, lower heel raising right hand and snapping fingers27-28Touch left toe backwards, lower heel raising left hand and snapping fingersSTEP, STEP, SHUFFLE. STEP, STEP, STEP WITH HITCH, STOMP29-30Step forward on left, step forward on right31&32Step forward on left, bring right foot up to left, step left forward33-34Step forward on right, step forward on left35-36Scoot left forward, while hitching right, stomp right next to leftGRAPEVINE, ½ TURN WITH HITCH. GRAPEVINE37-38Step right to side, step left behind right39-40Step right to side, (making half turn to right), hitch left41-42Step left to side, step right behind left43-44Step left to side, touch right next to leftSTEP WITH ½ TURN, STEP WITH ¼ TURN TWICE, TOUCH45Step right, (making half turn to right)46Step left, (making quarter turn to right)47Step right, (making quarter turn to right)48Touch left next to rightREPEAT