French Connection
William Sevone (UK)
Mademoiselle Will Decide - Mark Knopfler
2X FORWARD TOE/HEEL STRUTS, ½ RIGHT MONTEREY TURN1-2Step forward onto right toe, drop right heel to floor3-4Step forward onto left toe, drop left heel to floor5-6Touch right toe to right side, turn ½ right & step right foot next to left7-8Touch left toe to left side, touch left toe next to right foot2X FORWARD TOE/HEEL STRUTS, ½ LEFT MONTEREY TURN9-10Step forward onto left toe, drop left heel to floor11-12Step forward onto right toe, drop right heel to floor13-14Touch left toe to left side, turn ½ left & step left foot next to right15-16Touch right toe to right side, touch right toe next to left footCHASSE RIGHT, CROSS STEP, ¾ RIGHT, ¼ RIGHT CHASSE LEFT, CROSS STEP, ¾ LEFT17&18Step right foot to right side, step left foot next to right, step right foot to right side19-20Cross step left foot over right, pivot ¾ right (weight on right foot)21&22Step forward onto left foot & turn ¼ right, step right foot next to left, step left foot to left side23-24Cross step right foot over left, pivot ¾ left (weight on left foot)¼ LEFT BACKWARD TOE/HEEL STRUT, BACKWARD TOE/HEEL STRUT, ½ RIGHT FORWARD TOE/HEEL STRUT, FORWARD TOE/HEEL STRUT25-26Turn ¼ left & step backward onto right toe, drop right heel to floor27-28Step backward onto left toe, drop left heel to floor29-30Turn ½ right & step forward onto right toe, drop right heel to floor31-32Step forward onto left toe, drop left heel to floorFORWARD SYNCOPATED CROSS TOUCHES, SIDE TOUCH, FRONT STEP WITH BACKWARD TOE/HEEL STRUT, BACKWARD TOE/HEEL STRUT33&Touch right toe to right side, step right foot in front of left34&Touch left toe to left side, step left foot in front of right35&Touch right toe to right side, step right foot in front of left36Touch left toe to left side&37-38Step left foot in front of right, step backward onto right toe, drop right heel to floor39-40Step backward onto left toe, drop left heel to floor4X BACKWARD DIAGONAL ROCKS, BACKWARD TOE/HEEL STRUT, BACKWARD TOE/HEEL STRUT WITH ¼ LEFT41-42Rock right foot diagonally backward right, rock left foot diagonally backward left43-44Rock right foot diagonally backward right, rock left foot diagonally backward left45-46Step backward onto right toe, drop right heel to floor47-48Step backward onto left toe, turn ¼ left & drop left heel to floor Style note: counts 41-44 can include pushing hips into each diagonal moveREPEATDANCE FINISH On the 8th wall (9:00) continue the dance up to and including count 16, but instead of the ½ turn on count 14 do a ¼ turn this will bring you to the 12:00 position. For styling, on count 16 place right hand on hat brim