Funky Fireman
Marlene Cortright (USA)
The Fireman - George Strait
DIAGONAL STEP, TOUCH, CLAP1Step forward on right foot-diagonally right2Touch left next to right, clap3Step forward on left foot-diagonally left4Touch right toe next to left foot, clapDIAGONAL STEP BACKWARDS, TOUCH, CLAP5Step backward on right- diagonal right6Touch left toe next to right, clap7Step backward on left foot -diagonal left8Touch right toe next to left foot, clapLONG SIDE STEPS, DRAG, CLAP9Take long side step to right on right foot10Start dragging left foot to right11Continue to drag left foot to right12Finish drag to right, clap(hand motion like dragging a fire hose on counts 9-12)LONG SIDE STEPS, DRAG, CLAP13Take long side step to left with left foot14Start dragging right foot to left15Continue to drag right foot to left16Finish drag to left, clap(hand motion like dragging a fire hose on counts 13-16)¼ TURN, WALK FORWARD17Bending slightly at knees do ¼ turn to the right on balls of both feet18Step forward on left foot19Step forward on right foot20Step forward on left footWALK BACKWARD, ¼ TURN21Step backward on right foot22Step backward on left foot23Step backward on right foot24Turn ¼ to the left on left footHEEL SWIVELS Hold hands in front like holding onto a high pressured water hose25Swivel heels to left while bending at knees26Bring heels back to center, stand up straight27Swivel heels to right while bending at knees28Bring heel back to center, stand up straightCROSS STEP, ½ TURN, STEP, KICK29Step across left foot with right, bend at knees30Turn ½ to the left pivoting on balls of both feet31Stand up straight-step forward with right foot32Kick left foot forwardCROSS STEP, ½ TURN, STEP, KICK33Step across right foot with left, bend at knees34Turn ½ to the right pivoting on balls of both feet35Stand up straight-step forward on left foot36Kick right foot forwardVINE, ½ TURN37Step to right with right38Step behind right with left39Step to right with right foot40Turn ½ to the right on right foot, hitch leftVINE, STOMP41Step to left with left42Step behind left with right43Step left with left44Stomp right foot next to leftVINE, STOMP45Step to right with right46Step behind right with left47Step to right on right48Stomp left next to rightREPEAT